This is the most basic of numbers. They can be found on your fingers.
What are the Natural Numbers?
What is 25
Which number group/s does 4 belong to?
Natural, whole, integers, rational and real.
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ... are examples of these.
What are perfect squares?
Real Numbers are comprised of these two sub-sets
What are Rational and Irrational Numbers?
What is 16
Which group does pi belong to?
The only factors of a prime number.
1 and me.
It's the word that makes Rational Numbers rational because they can be expressed as this.
What is a ratio?
What is 81
name the first 5 digits of pi
Is 1422 a multiple of 3. Explain.
The digits add up to 1+4+2+2 = 9
Zero is a member of every number system but these two.
What are the Natural Numbers and Irrational Numbers.
Who is credited with creating the classification of "rational numbers"
Who is Pythagoras?
There are 12 kids in the class. 6 are wearing socks, 4 are wearing shoes and 3 are wearing both. How many bare feet?
All Irrational Numbers have these two 'non" characteristics.
What is they are non-repeating and non-terminating.
What is 1 million or 106 or 1,000,000
Legend has it that Pythagoras hated what?
Irrational numbers such as the square root of 2.