Translate 'fingernails' to Numu
(What is) Maseedoo
This plant tells us when the Pinenuts are ready to be picked.
(What is) Segoope
This marmot is delicious - What Numu band ate this as their staple food?
(What is) Kedu Tuka'a (Fort Bidwell, CA)
This suffix is the 'ing ending'
(What is) -wunu
I have horns on my head and my back.
(What is) Pamagatza'a
I am the biggest muscle .... I also am associated with Valentine's Day
(What is) Pewu
This plant is used to make baskets. What is the Numu name of this plant?
(What is) Suube
This Numu band is found in Secret Valley - What is their name?
(What is) Kammu Tukadu (Jackrabbit eaters)
The suffix -ku can be described as
Hint: Tsaku
(What is) when somebody does the verb action for someone else.
I sleep upside down...Hee Nu
(What is) Pegahana
I am the joint between the foot and leg
(What is) Tawetsogo
(Hee Esoo) What is the man picking?
Hint: Usually picked in the month of August in Northwestern Nevada.
(What is) Too'yoo
These fishes are bottom fed eaters and are the staple food of what Numu band?
(What is) Kooyooe Tukadu or Pyramid Lake Tribe
Translate to Numu: Come to see something
(What is) Poonegena
Nu Bu'pe Petsape - What am I?
(What is) Wopungu (mosquito)
Translate to Numu: My arm and wrist hurt.
(What is) E Puta Matwetsogono Numma
(Hee Esoo) What is the man holding?
Hint: found in marsh areas
(What is) Toebu
This Numu band is named after 'nutgrass' - What band are they?
(What is) Tuboose Tukadu (Yerington Tribe of NV)
This suffix is used to describe 'over something'
(What is) -goobakwae
My curved horns protect me.
(What is) Koepa
Translate to English: Nungabu Songo'ono
(What is) Chest and lungs
(Hee Esoo) This plant is picked in early fall - they can be found by the river or canyons.
(What is) To'esabooe
These 'caterpillars' are found on the Ponderosa pine trees. What is the Numu name of this insect?
(What is) Peaga.
The suffix -pana is a command, how would you say 'be quiet' in Numu?
(What is) Ki Unnepana
I am very traditional, I wear buckskin everyday
(What is) Tuhudya