The physical movement of air between the outside and the lungs
What is ventilation?
cough, fever, chills, dyspnea, tachypnea, crackles...
What is pneumonia?
This controls our respiratory drive
what are increased CO2 levels or chemoreceptors
What type of chest pain is affiliated with Pneumonia?
Name 3 triggers for an asthma attack
allergens, aspiration, GERD, upper resp infection, exercise, cold, air pollutants, smoke, foods,
A high-pitched whistling sound that can indicate narrowing in the bronchioles
What is wheezing?
Define pneumonia
What is acute infection of the lung parenchyma (where gas exchange occurs)
This is trapped in patients with COPD, especially emphysema
What is CO2
Influenza can lead to this complication, in some populations
What is Pneumonia
This is a medical emergency in an asthmatic
What is status asthmaticus
What is this depicting?
Accessory muscle use
Blue bloater...has what disease?
Chronic Bronchitis
The number one risk factor in development of COPD
What is smoking
Influenza is spread via...
Name 3 teaching points to the patient newly diagnosed with COPD
stop smoking, s/s of exacerbation, when to seek help, proper medication use and compliance, modify activities if needed, pursed lip breathing, the disease process itself-life long, no cure
S/S include tachypnea, restlessness, cough, wheezing
What is asthma/asthma "attack?"
What is a significant complication of influenza?
What is pneumonia?
This helps to force excess CO2 out of the lungs? (also helps ease anxiety)
What is pursed lip breathing
Know the FACTS for this issue
What is Influenza
Air trapping in the patient with emphysema can lead to this physical change
what is a barrel chest
Name 3 s/s of OSA
What are snoring, drowsiness, irritability, headaches
Name 5 nursing interventions for the patient with pneumonia
What is O2, hydration, pain control, antipyretics, chest physiotherapy, respiratory assessments, high calorie meals, education
This can occur in patients with long term COPD; the change in their respiratory drive
What is hypoxic drive
Name 3 signs/symptoms of TB
Weight loss, No appetite
Extreme fatigue, Fever
Persistent cough x3 weeks or more
Night sweats
Name 4 complications of COPD
Pulm htn, cor pulmonale, exacerbations, respiratory failure