
This activity promotes venous return from the lower extremities and prevent venous stasis and DVT (deep veint thrombosis.

What are anti-embolic stocking/elastic stockings, pneumatic compression devices (SCD's)?


the most common sign of appendicitis.

What is dull/sharp abdomen pain?


Findings that would most likely indicate infection in a patient with asthma

What is a productive cough with yellow sputum, fever, and increased WBCs?


the priority assessment after applying 2L/NC of oxygen to a patient with COPD

What is obtain a pulse oximetry (O2 SAT)?


It is 0700, and the nurse notes a blood sugar was drawn at 0630. The result was 246. Name the priority action of the nurse.

What is assess if patient has had breakfast or provide a snack with administration?


This stimulates intestinal motility, enhances lung expansion, mobilizes secretions, promotes venous return, prevents joint rigidity, and relieves pressure.

What is early ambulation?


immediate post-appendectomy diet

What is ice chips/sips of clear liquid?


The best action to take to decrease the spread of infection.

What is handwashing?


A patient with asthma is diaphoretic in a tripod position with audible wheezing and the following vital signs: BP 152/80, HR 152, RR 28, O² sat 94% on room air, and axillary temperature of 99.8°. (Name the medication or medication class you would administer first).

What is a bronchodilator?


The nurse starts a 0.9% normal saline infusion, regular insulin IV, and potassium IV for the treatment of:

What is DKA or HHNS?


This activity helps to expand the lungs and maintain adequate air exchange.

What is incentive spirometery?


the appendix bursts and infections come in contact with the abdominal cavity

What is peritonitis?


People who are at a higher risk of getting pneumonia.

What are individuals with chronic illnesses, such as COPD, asthma, and the older adult.


A patient complains of shortness of breath after walking in the hallway.  On assessment the nurse notes labored breathing at a rate of 32 and oxygen saturation of 88% on room air. (Priority Nursing Action).

What is apply O2 at 2 L/min via nasal canula?


Gives a small continuous dose of regular insulin subcutaneously, and the patient can self-administer a bolus with an additional dosage when needed.

What is an insulin pump?


This is performed along with deep breathing to help expel secretions, keep the lungs clear, and promote full aeration of the lungs to prevent pneumonia and atelectasis.

What is coughing & splinting the wound?


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) weakens the lower esophageal sphincter, predisposing older persons to risk for impaired swallowing. In managing the symptoms associated with GERD, the nurse should assign the highest priority to what?

What is Eating small, frequent meals, and remain in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after eating?


This is to be worn in droplet isolation (Flu/RSV).

What is a surgical mask & eye protection?


A patient with COPD states, “I can feel the congestion in my lungs, but even when I cough, I cannot bring anything up.” (Name 3 nursing interventions)

What is place patient in high-fowlers, encourage PO fluids, and administer medication (as ordered), such as guaifenesin (Mucinex)?


In this disorder, the nurse should monitor daily weights, glucose levels, signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism, and chest pain.

What is Cushing's Syndrome?


The nurse may witness the patient's signature on this after the physician has explained the procedure, risks, benefits, and complications, before sedation is given and before surgery is performed.

What is informed consent?


A patient with right lower quadrant pain is admitted to the emergency department.  Which lab finding would the nurse report to the physician immediately? 

What is elevated WBCs?


TB nursing interventions

What are

  • Airborne isolation (negative pressure rooms, n-95 masks?/HEPA masks, drug therapy, teach pt to cover nose/mouth with tissue when coughing/sneezing/producing sputum, pt wears mask when leaving rooms, identify/screen close contacts, monthly sputum cultures, negative cultures are needed to declare pt not infectious, notify health department, teach symptoms of recurrence, teach about what could reactivate TB, no more smoking, management of SE, monitor for hepatitis/neuro changes/rashes, monitor compliance of treatment!!, manage airway secretions, maintain nutritional status

  • Stay aways from foods with tyramine: anything aged, dried, fermented, salted, smoked, pickled (especially pepperoni, salami, liverwurst), soy products, nuts, seeds, alcohol or fermented beverages, sauerkraut, pickles, olives, fava or broad beans


  1. A patient with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is admitted to the hospital with an exacerbation of the disease. Arterial blood gas (ABG) results are as follows: pH 7.30, PCO2 51, HCO3 25. How would the nurse interpret these results? 

What is respiratory acidosis, uncompensated?


A patient diagnosed with hyperthyroidism is hospitalized with tachycardia, dyspnea, and intermittent chest palpitations. The patient's blood pressure is 225/112 & heart rate is 135 bpm. 

What is a beta-blocker, such as propanolol?