Is the most important thing to remember when performing a procedure on a child?
What is take to treatment room away from patient room?
This hospitalized child prefers privacy and wearing own clothing.
What is adolescents?
The placement of this is measured from the tip of the nose to the earlobe and then to midway between the end of the xiphoid process and the umbilicus
What is nasogastric tube?
Is the correct order that vital signs should be taken in children.
What is resp, pulse, BP, temp?
The main nursing action that prevents infection
What is hand hygiene?
Name two factors that influence a child’s reaction to illness.
What is age, cognitive development, preparation, coping skills, and culture?
This hospitalized child will require nonnutritive sucking and holding close.
What is infant or neonate?
Name two ways the placement of a nasogastric tube can be checked by a nurse
What is Assess for length, resp distress, volume, appearance, color of aspirate, PH of aspirate. (Auscultation is not recommended any longer)?
Name two ways a urine sample can be collected from a neonate
What is PUC, syringe from the diaper(cotton balls), catheter(neonate to 1 year 5-8F, 1-5year 8Fr, School age 8-12Fr, Adolescents 10-14 Fr)?
What are two nursing actions for a child in preparation for a procedure?
What are move to a treatment room, child trusts is established, offer choices if appropriate, tell how child and parent can help with procedure but do not force, do not threaten or punish?
Name two responses children can have to illness.
What is Fear of unknown, separation anxiety, fear of pain/mutilation, loss of control, anger guilt, regression?
This hospitalized child will to better if the home routines are followed during hospitalization
What is toddler?
This is used for long term feedings and requires a stoma that needs to be cleaned initially with H2O2 and ½% normal saline and then just soap and water at least daily.
What is a gastrostomy tube or G-tube?
2001 the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that these not be used on children in the hospital or at home to take a temperature
What are mercury thermometers?
Name two instances when restraints may be necessary to use with a child
What are Mental confusion or altered cognition, medicated, pulling at tubes, ET, IV, removing a dressing, sutures? Remember should be the least restrictive restraints possible
The stage of separation when a child becomes hopeless and becomes quiet, withdrawn, & apathetic
What is Despair?
This hospitalized child will benefit from being involved in planning and implementing care
What is school aged child?
Before performing a throat culture on a child, the nurse should assess for fever, drooling, muffled voice and erythema or exudate which are signs of this
What is epiglottitis?
This should never be given to a child with a temperature and it causes this
What is aspirin and Reyes's Syndrome?
Discharge teaching to parents of a newborn must include education on this
Education on safety(Water temperature that is not too hot, never leave child unattended in tub, bulb syringe, tub safety, hygiene)?
Hospitalized adolescents fear this and thus may exhibit anger, withdrawal, general uncooperativeness.
What is loss of control?
This hospitalized child may exhibit a temper tantrum when frustration is high
What is toddler?
Name two diseases that can interfere with tube feeding placement
What is Choanal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal strictures?
Children can become dehydrated when there is a temperature due to this
What is insensible water loss thru the lungs and skin?
These children in particular need excellent oral hygiene-soft toothbrushes.
What are immunosuppressed?