
The only solution to be used for priming blood tubing.

What is normal saline or 0.9% sodium chloride?


When diet fails to improve the anemia due to poor absorption, this should be administered to treat pernicious anemia.

What are vitamin B12 injections?


This is usually the first manifestations of having a decreased number of circulating platelets, like with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). 

What is the development of bruises (ecchymosis) and petechiae?


This care is restricted to patients who are terminally ill, such as those who have a life expectancy of less than 6 months.

What is hospice care?


This genetic testing is used for women who have a strong family history of breast cancer.

What is BRCA1 gene testing?

The BRCA1 gene is used to determine the probability of a patient developing breast cancer.


This should be checked for any excessive or unexplained bruising and bleeding.

What is check the platelet count?


This is why a patient may require larger doses of narcotics to produce the same response over time. 

What is tolerance?


This should be kept if scars, spots, and lesions on the skin to help monitor for new growth and changes to lesions to help detect skin cancer.

What is a body map?


For patients who are experiencing difficulties with oral intake, this should be tried first before resorting to tube feeding or TPN. 

What are provide several small, soft textured, easily chewed meals each day?


This test helps to determine the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to pernicious anemia.

What is Schilling Test?


A nurse would expect excessive thrombosis and bleeding with this condition because it impairs both coagulation and anticoagulation pathways.

What is disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)?


This lab value is used because it reflects the overall body protein status and is used to detect metabolic and liver dysfunction.

What is albumin?


An increase in a patient's PSA is indicative of this diagnosis. 

What is prostate cancer?

An increased PSA level is indicative of prostate cancer diagnosis, as well as other prostate problems.


This is generally caused due to chronic blood loss in small amounts over time, especially in patients who have long-standing ulcerative colitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, and peptic ulcer disease.  

What is anemia?


This blood type is considered a universal donor, as it contains no antigens to react to transfused blood.

What is Type O?


This should be done every year according to the American Cancer Society.

What is having a yearly test for fecal occult blood?


This would be suspected if a previous nevus has increased in size and has an irregularly shape that varies in color. 

What is a malignant melanoma?


Providing skin care with a moisture barrier, administering artificial tears, performing oral care, and administering oxygen are all prescriptions/tasks a nurse can expect when a patient is receiving palliative care because of this.

What are things that increase the comfort level for a patient?

Palliative care relies on comfort measures and use alternative therapies to help individuals become more at peace during the end of life.


This skin cancer usually begins as a small, waxy nodule with rolled, translucent, pearly borders, but telangiectatic vessels can also be present.

What is basal cell carcinoma?

As a basal cell tumor grows, it can undergo central ulceration.


This is given to patients who have hemophilia to replace the deficient clotting factors as a prophylactic measure before an invasive procedure, surgery, or when actively bleeding.

What is recombinant?


Keeping warm and providing adequate hydration can be effective in diminishing the occurrence and severity of attacks for this blood disease.

What is sickle cell disease?


This medication stimulates erythropoiesis.

What is epoetin alfa?


This is the most common manifestation of endometrial cancer.

What is abnormal uterine bleeding?

This includes postmenopausal bleeding and bleeding between normal periods of premenopausal women.


A "shift to the left" or when there is an elevated neutrophil count and combined with an elevated WBC count would indicate this. 

What is an acute infectious process?


Because micro-organisms are likely to be present on fresh flowers and plants, these type of patients are instructed not to accept such gifts into the room. 

What are immunocompromised patients?

Part of neutropenic precautions. Others are to eat only thoroughly cooked meats and thoroughly washed fruits and vegetables. These patients are more susceptible to infection and illness from food-borne bacteria than other patients. Also, keep and used dedicated equipment in the patient's room to prevent the spread of infection from another patient.