Grief and Loss
Non-Inflammatory Bowel

Name two teaching points for decreasing the risk of sunburns

•Wear protective clothing

•Wear sunscreen

•Avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 2 pm


Define DNR

Do not resuscitate – withholding life-saving measures (CPR) if a patient’s heart stops or patient is apneic


Most common cause of large bowel obstruction

Colorectal cancer


Define ageism

Ageism = negative perceptions toward older adults based on age

(Emphasis on youth in modern culture – many older adults feel invisible)


This is usually the last of the 5 senses to disappear as death is approaching



3 risk factors for developing skin cancer

having fair skin, blonde or red hair with blue eye color

history of outdoor sunbathing

living near the equator or at high altitudes

family or personal history of skin cancer

having an outdoor occupation

spending a lot of time in outdoor recreation activities

indoor tanning


This was a common fear relating to death in the 18th and 19th centuries

Being buried alive


Classic patient symptom/complaint with a hernia (not assessment finding)



Define paternalism

Paternalism = healthcare professional makes choices for a patient based on the healthcare professional’s beliefs about what is in the best interest of the patient or what is best for the patient’s own good


When/why a hernia might require surgery

A hernia that cannot be moved back into place with gentle palpation is considered irreducible and requires immediate surgical evaluation.

In a hernia that is strangulated, blood supply is cut off to a portion of the bowel, increasing the risk for obstruction, necrosis, and perforation


Type of skin cancer with highest mortality rate



A common cardiovascular manifestation at EOL

•Increased heart rate (Later slowing and weakening of pulse)

•Irregular rhythm

•Decreased BP


Cause of mechanical bowel obstructions

blockage in the bowel (ex. adhesions, fecal impactions)


Define medical futility

Medical futility = The unacceptably low chance of achieving a therapeutic benefit for the patient


Describe the ABCDE rule for examining skin lesions


­Border irregularity

­Color change

­Diameter greater than 6 mm

­Evolving in appearance


Most common type of skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma


Difference between hospice and palliative care

Hospice is a subcategory of palliative care. All hospice is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice.

Palliative care:

Allows for curative and palliative treatment simultaneously

Management of symptoms

Hospice Care:

Six months or less to live

No further curative treatments


Cause of nonmechanical bowel obstructions

diminished peristalsis in the bowel (paralytic ileus)


This is a living will.

Written directions stating what medical care is to be provided if an individual can longer communicate or no longer has the mental capacity to make decisions


Name 3 nursing actions for a patient with an NG tube

Maintain intermittent suction as prescribed
Assess NG tube patency and placement.  Irrigate every 4 hours, or as prescribed
Monitor and assess gastric output
Monitor nasal area for skin breakdown
Provide oral hygiene every 2 hours
Monitor vital signs, skin integrity, weight, and I & O


Intervention to reduce bruising/swelling after minor skin surgery/procedure

Apply cold packs


Name 4 of the stages in the Kubler-Ross Grief Model

Denial = The client has difficulty believing in an expected or actual loss.

Anger = The client directs anger toward self, others, a deity(God), objects, or the current circumstances.

Bargaining = The client negotiates for more time or a cure.

Depression = The client is overwhelmingly saddened by the inability to change the situation.

Acceptance = The client acknowledges what is happening and plans for the future by moving forward


Name 3 common clinical manifestations with a small bowel obstruction

Severe fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Metabolic alkalosis
Visible peristaltic waves
Epigastric or upper abdominal distension
Abdominal pain, discomfort
Profuse, sudden projectile vomiting with fecal odor


According to May, this is why elders need virtue.

To enhance the quality of their lives


Term for twisting of the bowel
