Asepsis & Infection Control
Holistic Assessment
Medication Administration

This is when healthcare workers should institute standard precautions:

What is: Whenever there is a possibility of coming into contact with blood or body fluids


North American health care culture typically reflects this culture

What is European American?


The MD orders furosemide  20 mg IV for a pt. This is which type of drug name (trade, brand, etc)

What is the generic name?


This assessment finding in a child with a head injury would alert a nurse that the pt is experiencing increased ICP?

What is new confusion and altered mental status?


Pressure ulcers are directly caused by this condition at the site.

What is compromised blood flow/ischemia at the site of the ulcer.


A pt infected with a virus whom does not have any outward sign of the disease is called this

What is a CARRIER?


Clubbing of the fingers is an indication of this

What is long-term hypoxia?


Alexis administers diphenhydramine to her pt, who c/o dry mouth an hour later. This is an example of this drug effect.

What is a side effect?


You are caring for a pt with dementia and confusion. He is unable to sign his own informed consent. This is who will need to be consulted to sign the consent:

What is next of kin/significant other/family/POA?


Maryan is caring for a pt with a hand rash that won't go away. When taking the pt's history, this info is the most important for her to ask.

What is : what does the pt do for work/hobbies?


A pt is admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy and is neutropenic. Which precaution should the staff take with this pt?

What is Protective isolation?


 JoAnna takes her pt's temperature 1 hour after giving acetaminophen for fever. She is performing this kind of assessment

What is ongoing assessment?


Madisyn is finished administering an injection to her pt. This is the correct action she should perform now:

What is activate the safety mechanism and dispose of syringe in a sharps container.


This is an age-related change that refers to the losing the ability to hear high-frequency tones.

What is presbycusis?


Caitlin is helping a post op pt perform leg exercises after surgery. This is the type of muscle that the pt is using to perform the exercises (not an anatomical name):

What are skeletal muscles?


This is the first PPE item that should be removed

What are gloves?


These are high pitched breath sounds produced by narrowing of the airway.

What are wheezes?


Michelle has all of her pts medications ready and walks into the pts room. He is in the bathroom and tells her to "leave the medicine on my table-I'll take it when I am done." This is how Michelle should respond:

What is: tell the pt that she will return when he is done, and she stores the meds in a safe place.


Amanda is caring for a pt who had major abdominal surgery 4 days ago with a large incision. The pt tells Amanda "I coughed a few minutes ago and I felt my incision pop." This is Amanda's correct response.

What is "lie down flat with your knees up and I'll need to examine your incision."


These exercises are recommended for a 55 year old woman with osteoporosis to increase bone mass.

What are weight-bearing exercises?


Matthew can't remember if he ever had chickenpox. He has an antibody titer drawn which is negative. The correct interpretation of this finding is this:

What is: Matthew has never had varicella (chicken pox) and is susceptible to be infected with it.

When assessing a pt, Sabina asks the pt "Tell me what happens when you have a migraine?" This is an example of what type of question.

What is open-ended?


This is typically the most reliable indicator of pain in a pt.

What is the pt's own report?


Susan is admitting a pt for a total hip arthroplasty. Her pt tells her that he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Susan applies critical thinking to this and surmises that he may be at risk for this during surgery and recovery.

What is increased risk for atelectasis and post-op hypoxia?


This is the part of the body that is responsible for maintaining equilibrium.

What is the inner ear?