The inside lining of the cheeks
What is the buccal mucosa?
What is pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation?
What is self? example autoimmune
Lung sounds caused by narrowing of the bronchus
What is wheezing?
Curvature of posterior thoracic spine
What is kyphosis?
Bluish or gray color of the skin
What is cyanosis?
Difficulty or inability to swallow
What is dysphagia?
What is paralysis? example paraplegia
Bubbling, crackling, popping sounds due to fluid in the lungs
What are crackles?
Little or no physical exercise or activity, low calcium intake, excessive caffeine or alcohol intake, smoking, steroid use, more likely in women, blonde or red hair
What is osteoporosis?
+2 = edema that is _____ mm deep
What is 4 mm?
Paralysis on one side of the body
What is hemiplegia?
What is little, deficience? example oliguria
Snoring sounds due to mucus/fluid in large airways
What are rhonchi?
Sway back
What is lordosis?
How to assess temperature of the skin
What is with the back of the hand, bilaterally?
Difficulty or inability to speak
What is dysphasia?
What is tumor, hernia? example cystocele
High-pitched heard on inspiration caused by severe bronchospasm usually due to croup or airway obstruction
What is stridor?
One shoulder is higher than the other due to curvature of the spine
What is scoliosis?
Indicates there is a respiratory or cardiac abnormality due to a decreased oxygen circulating to the fingers.
What is clubbing?
What is orthostatic hypotension?
What is incision into? example tracheotomy
Dry, rubbing, grating sounds over the anterior lateral lung fields
What is a pleural friction rub?
A nurse moves the clients limbs in all directions for the client