APA Style
Google Scholar
Search Strategies

A simple set of procedures, or style rules, that would codify the many components of scientific writing to increase the ease of reading comprehension.

What is APA Style?


You can search across many disciplines and sources like articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other websites by using this search engine... 

What is Google Scholar?


_________ ___________ connect and define relationships between terms.

What are Boolean Operators?


You would click this link from the library home page to search for journals.

What is the "Journal Search" link?


The two nursing librarians are...

Who are RaeAnna Jeffers and Laura Haygood?


You can find answers to your APA questions on this website. (Hint: Your librarian is not a website.)

What is the APA Blog?


You can add up to _______ libraries to your Google Scholar account.

What are five libraries?


Putting an asterisk behind the trunk of a word to search for all forms of the word is called ___________.

What is truncation?


Evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field.

What is Peer Review?


The other two libraries on campus are called...

What are the Architecture & Fine Arts Library and Science & Engineering Library? 


A shortened form of the title of your paper that appears in uppercase letters at the top left of each page of your manuscript.

What is a Running Head?


Click on this link to cross-reference your UTA Library with Google Scholar.

What is the "Find it @ UTA" link?


Using _________ _________ will make the database search for exact words, phrases, or spellings.

What are quotation marks?


Type this to view all of the journals that have the word nursing in the title.

What is nurs*?


I click on this link on the library's home page to reserve a study room...

What is the "reserve a room" link?


This sheet contains the most commonly used citations and references.  You can use it to help you double check your references after your reference list is created.

What is the APA Cheat Sheet or APA Brochure?


You can assign up to 5 libraries to your account by selecting this from the settings in Google Scholar.

What is "Library Links"?


The Boolean Operator AND _________ your search.

What is narrow?


I will use the ______________ _____________ service if I cannot find my full-text journal article.

What is Interlibrary Loan?


If I am working off campus, I need to sign into the system using a___________.

What is a VPN or Virtual Private Network?


Instead of manually typing in references and citations, you may use...

What is a reference management software?  

(NOTE: Will accept Zotero, RefWorks, Endnote, or any other reference management software name.)


You can use this service to request an article if you cannot find the full-text version in Google Scholar or the UTA Library.

What is Interlibrary Loan?


The Boolean Operator OR _________ your search.

What is broaden?


The information for your citation is typically located on the _________ ________ of the article. 

What is the first page?


This is where I can find help with technology issues.

What is OIT or the Office of Information Technology?