Patient Safety
Gottlieb Chapter #4 & #7
Cultural Safety
McGill Model & Nursing Process
A patient does not get a dressing changed and ends up with a huge infected wound.
What is an adverse event?
A way of knowing, perceiving, a frame of reference shaped by his or her values and beliefs.
What is the nurse's professional gaze? Gottlieb, page 205
According to Anderson et, al (2003) It has social, political, and historical meanings.
What is culture? Anderson, page 196
This includes: nurse, family, health and environment.
What are the four metaparadigm concepts of a nursing model?
Internal strengths & durability of the family unit. It is a sense of control over the outcomes to life and living.
What is family hardiness? P&P page 276
A model that takes into account multiple factors that contribute to an an adverse event.
What is the "Swiss Cheese" Model?
It is about gathering information about a patient and family from many sources, to clarify issues, and define a problem. It requires cognitive skills - analysis, synthesis and interpretation of data.
What is critical inquiry? Gottlieb, page 210
This concept examines the inequities of power, inidividual and institutional discriminations.
What is cultural safety? Page 197
This concept is on a continuum, it coexist with illness, it is a way of problem solving, maximizes one's capacity and strengths.
What is the health dimension defined by the McGill nursing practice model?
The family life cycle and functions, tasks & relationships.
What is the development stage of the family? Bonus Question: What are CFAM's 3 areas of assessment?
A manager blames and shames a nurse for making a narcotic error.
What is the person approach to patient safety?
Nurses fail to notice and intervene in a timely manner to prevent a patient from deteriorating to a full code.
What is failure to rescue? Gottlieb, page 214
Any actions that diminish, demean or disempower the well being of another person.
What is culturally unsafe practices? Anderson, et. al. Page 198
This concept includes compassion, being curious, commitment, competence and the situation - what does this mean to the family?
What is relational inquiry?
Family members influence the behavior of each other, it is reciprocal.
What is circular communication? P&P page 283
Individual situational factors, workplace conditions and latent organizational and management decisions contribute to adverse events.
What are the multiple factors included in the Swiss Cheese Model?
Educated and practiced at the art of sensing, observing, listening, dialoguing & questioning.
What is clinical inquiry?
The 3 Rs include: recognize, respect, rights.
What are culturally safe practices? Anderson, Page 198
Determining actual and potential problems and clarifying their contributing factors.
What is a nursing diagnosis? Alfaro LeFevre , page 91 Bonus : What is a rapid response team?
Asseses the activities of daily living and attending to health care needs.
What is instrumental functional assessment according to CFAM?
These skills include administration of an enema, IM injections and administration of a catheter.
What are restricted activities?
The list includes: wisdom, courage, humanity, and temperance.
What are character strengths? Gottlieb page 109
Healthcare providers who use their own values as absolute guides in providing care to others who do not understand others from a different culture.
What is cultural imposition? P&P page 111 Bonus question: Define Ethnocentrism
These include: recognizing safety and infection-transmission risks; identifying human responses, anticipating complications
What are the responsibilities of making a diagnosis? Alfaro Levre page 92
A person's story of how their illness has affected them and their family.
What is an illness narative?