Normal Newborn
Newborn Complications
Normal Postpartum
PostPartum Complications
Exams 1-3 Content

Term for normal newborn rash

What is erythema toxicum?


Poor muscle tone, diaphoresis, jitteriness, tremors, poor suck, tachypnea, tachycardia, irritability, lethargy

What are signs of neonatal hypoglycemia?


After delivery, the uterus normally descends approximately this much per day.

What is one fingerbreadth or one centimeter?


Common symptoms of vaginal hematomas

What is deep, severe pain?


This amount of arteries and veins are normally in an umbilical cord.

What are 2 arteries and 1 vein?


Term for a newborn's first stools

What is meconium?


Swelling on the newborn's head that does not cross suture lines

What is cephalohematoma?

Term for lochia around 3 to 10 days postpartum
What is lochia serosa?

This term is used for the delayed return of the uterus to its nonpregnant size and consistency

What is subinvolution?


The purpose of administering magnesium sulfate to a client with severe preeclampsia.

What is to prevent seizures?


Name for the byproduct of hemolysis

What is bilirubin?


Nasal flaring, grunting, tachypnea, and/or retractions in a newborn

What are signs of respiratory distress?


This hormone is released during breastfeeding to help the uterus to contract

What is oxytocin?


Most important initial action in the presence of a boggy uterus in the postpartum period.

What is massaging the fundus?


Best indicator that a client is in true labor

What is cervical change?


Term for early breastmilk that is high in antibodies

What is colostrum?


This medication should be given to mothers at risk for preterm delivery to help mature the fetal lungs

What is Celestone or Betamethasone?


Transient and ends within 2 weeks after delivery. May be irritable, tearful, and anxious, but this does not seriously affect the client's ability to care for themself or their baby.

What is postpartum blues, baby blues, or maternity blues?


Contraindicated for use in clients with a history of hypertension

What is methylergonovine (Methergine)?


This is achieved by subtracting 3 months, adding 7 days, and adjusting the year from the client's first day of their last regular menstrual period.

What is Naegels's Rule?


This is the Apgar score for a newborn with a heart rate of 120/minute, a vigorous/spontaneous cry, well-flexed extremities, responds to stimuli by crying, and has central cyanosis

What is 8?


Term for heat loss when baby is near drafts from open doors, air conditioning, or people moving around

What is convection?


Lasts up to 2 days postpartum. The client is primarily focused on themself. They discuss their labor and delivery many times. Discharge teaching may not be optimal during this period.

What is the taking-in phase?


An intense type of depression or relapse of an underlying psychotic disorder characterized by being out of touch with reality, hallucinations, insomnia, hyperactivity, suicide, homicide, and/or infanticide.

What is postpartum psychosis?


This occurrence is managed by using the McRoberts Maneuver and suprapubic pressure

What is shoulder dystocia?