name the signs that conflict resolution is needed
you feel uncomfortable
people are having trouble working together
people stop talking to each other
people attack each other verbally
a situation in which employees are required to do more in less time
work intensification
the degree to which an individual can obtain, process, and understand the basic information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
health literacy
firmly stated position using "I" statements
subtle, almost harmless comment or action that intentionally or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a minority group
type of distress that occurs when nurses encounter situations that violate their personal or professional ethics
moral distress
non-verbal communication
collective bargaining is a form of what type of negotiation is
The use of problem-solving vs negotiation is best used in what situation?
interpersonal misunderstanding
"multiple healthcare workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, caregivers, and communities to deliver the highest quality care."
interprofessional collaboration
type of bias that involves unconscious stereotypes against others
human communication activity designed to influence another to change attitudes or alter behaviors by the use of techniques such as argument, reasoning, or pleading
repeated, unwarranted, harmful actions that tend to humiliate, offend, and cause distress in the recipient.
What is the To Err Is Human report from the IOM?
report that exposed serious threats to patient safety because of preventable medication errors
The Six Thinking Hats activity, created by Edward de Bono, is a problem-solving and decision-making tool. Each "hat" represents a different perspective or way of thinking. Identify the types of thinking
facts & information
caution/critical thinking
process & control
deliberate prejudices or beliefs about certain groups
explicit bias
Identify the problem/issue
generate solutions
chose the best solution
implement the solution
evaluate the solution
steps to conflict resolution
steps of informal negotiation
scope the situation
set the stage
conduct negotiations
agree on a resolution of the conflict
The #1 cause of preventable medical errors
type of communication where individuals reflect and develop a collective knowledge about others - the key to working effectively with others is