Rehabililation/Restorative Services
Oxygen Use
Devices/Interventions, Prosthetics, Hearing Aides, Artificial Eyes, Eyeglasses, Dentures, Compression Stocking
Special Care Needs Intravenous Fluids, Non-Pharmacologic Pain Interventions
any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident’s body that the individual cannot remove easily which restricts freedom of movement or normal access to one’s body.
What is a physical restraint?
a planned approach to keep the resident at the level achieved by rehabilitation following formal rehabilitation
What is restorative services?
Nursing assistants never stop, adjust, or initiate the use of oxygen
What is the role of the nurse aide regarding oxygen delivery.
Make sure resident has dentures in place for meals 2. Resident may want dentures removed at night 3. Make sure dentures are cleaned 4. Make sure dentures are in a safe place when not in use
What is the role of the nurse aide in regards to dentures
an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience arising from actual or potentional tissue damage
What is pain?
the act of getting caught in, or trapped in something
What is a entrapment?
exercises are done by the resident himself
What is active range of motion?
Delivery of oxygen from a long tubing from source to cannula with prongs placed in each nostril and tubing tucked behind the ears of the resident 1. Observe for irritation behind the ears, as the tubing can cause skin breakdown. Notify the nurse, if observed
What is a nasal cannula?
Follow directions on care plan Provide privacy when assisting with eye care Resident with artificial eye may be able to provide self eye care – follow directions on care plan Care of eyeglasses Make sure eyeglasses are clean Make sure resident has eyeglasses on Keep eyeglasses in a safe place when not in use
What is the role of the nurse aide in care of an artificial eye or eyeglasses.
Change in vital signs. Nausea and vomiting Sweating Anxiety or pain Restlessness Holding or rubbing a body part
What is role of the nurse aid related to pain.
Each physically restrained or secluded individual shall be temporarily released from restraint or seclusion at least every two (2) hours or more often if necessary except when the resident is asleep. When the resident in restraint is temporarily released, the resident shall be assisted to be toilleted, or changed in position as residents physical condition permits.
What is role of the nurse aide in relation to release of restraints.
caregivers support and move the resident’s joints through the range of motion when the resident cannot move on their own.
What is passive range of motion?
Concentrator – a device that sits on the floor and plugs into the wall which changes air in the room into air with more oxygen
What is a concentrator?
Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when inserting the hearing aid into the resident’s ear 2. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on cleaning the hearing aid. 3. Make sure the batteries are in.
What is the role of the nurse aide in taking care of hearing aides.
Position the the resident's body in good alignment Offer a back rub toilet the patient use soft music be patient and caring observe and report
What is interventions to relieve pain?
Each resident under restraint and seclusion shall be visited by a member of the nursing staff at least once every hour and more frequently if the resident's condition requires
What is role of the nurse aide for monitoring of resident's in restraint's?
the permanent stiffening of a joint and muscle.
What is a contracture?
1. Remember oxygen supports combustion 2. Fire hazards should be removed from the resident’s room when oxygen is in use 3. Never allow candles or open flames in the area where oxygen is in use 4. Never allow smoking in the area where oxygen is in use 5. Do not use electrical equipment in an oxygen-enriched environment Examples include electric razors, hairdryers, electric blankets, or electric heaters. Electrical equipment may spark and cause a fire 6. Do not use flammable products such as rubbing alcohol, or oil-based products such as Vaseline® near the oxygen. Use a water-based lubricant to moisten the resident’s lips or nose 7. Although the nursing assistant cannot adjust the oxygen level, the nurse aide should learn how to turn oxygen off in case of fire
What are safety precautions while using oxygen?
1. Fear of addiction to pain medication 2. Feeling caregivers are too busy to deal with pain 3. Fear pain medication will cause other problems, i.e. drowsiness, sleepiness, constipation
What is barriers for resident regarding pain?
leg restraints, arm restraints, hand mitts, soft ties or vests, lap cushions, and lap trays the resident cannot remove easily. Also included as restraints are facility practices that meet the definition of a restraint, such as: 1. Using side rails that keep a resident from voluntarily getting out of bed; 2. Tucking in or using Velcro to hold a sheet, fabric, or clothing tightly so that a resident’s movement is restricted; 3. Using devices in conjunction with a chair, such as trays, tables, bars or belts, that the resident cannot remove easily, that prevent the resident from rising; 4. Placing a resident in a chair that prevents a resident from rising; and 5. Placing a chair or bed so close to a wall that the wall prevents the resident from rising out of the chair or voluntarily getting out of bed
What is types of physical restraints?
may be ordered to be in place following a surgical procedure to keep the leg straight while the bone is healing. Should only be removed at the direction of the licensed nurse
What is knee immobilizer?
oxygen that is stored as a gas under pressure in a cylinder equipped with a flow meter and regulator to control the flow rate. This system is generally prescribed when oxygen therapy is required in emergency or for a short period of time (e.g., during transport). Compressed oxygen tanks are under extreme pressure and must be kept upright and handled with care
What is a portable tank?
Apply before resident gets up in the morning per order Eliminate wrinkles Report any skin breakdown Remove at night.
What is role of the nurse aide in compression stockings.
A. Observe and Report 1. Line found out or is removed by resident, or accidentally by staff when providing care 2. Blood present anywhere in the tubing 3. Tubing is disconnected 4. Complaint of pain 5. Fluid in bag is not observed dripping 6. Fluid in bag is nearly gone or finished 7. Pump is alarming 8. Site is swollen or discolored 9. Dressing is wet or soiled B. Take special caution when moving or caring for resident – avoid pulling or catching of tubing C. Never disconnect IV or PICC
What is the role of the nurse aide in caring for IV/PICC lines?