Why would a heart rate be elevated?
Early Shock
Measures the percentage of oxygen in the blood
Pulse oximeter
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in CPR?
30 compressions to 2 breaths
What organ is responsible for water absorption?
Large intestine mainly but the small intestine will absorb water as well
Why would a temperature be elevated?
Measures the electrical waves of the heart
If an animal is dyspnoeic, what would you do?
Keep animal calm
Administer oxygen (mask, fly-by, prongs, chamber, intubation)
Cool animal if overheating
Is a small hollow organ where bile is stored
What mammal in Australia is venomous?
Male platypus
has 1/2" spur on each of its hind legs. Is venomous to other animal including dogs but not humans
Why would a respiratory rate be decreased?
Medication (i.e. domitor)
What is the function of this?
Amplifies the heart beat and allows for blood pressure readings
What would you do if animal presented with a fracture?
Keep animal calm and quiet
Restrict movement
Under vet direction administer pain relief/sedation
Flush any wounds if needed with saline
Apply robert jones bandage
What is the function of the vertebrae?
Protection of the spinal cord
Supports the body's physical structure
Attachment for pectoral and pelvic muscles
What is a group of cats called?
A clowder
If the mucus membranes were injected in colour what could that indicate?
Heat Stroke
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Increased C02 under anaesthetic
What is this?
Keep animal calm and restrict movement
Gain IV access (start fluids if required)
Administer oxygen if warranted
Prepare for collapse (ETT, ventilator, monitoring devices)
Take blood or urine to run SVDK
What is the function of the bi-cuspid valve?
What side is it on?
Controls the blood flow from the LEFT atria and ventricle
Regulates the flow of blood from the heart into the aorta
What is the loudest insect in the world?
The cicada
What would is this called and what does it indicate?
Not common in cats
What is this device called?
What is the "chemical" in chewing gum, toothpaste and sometimes peanut better that causes animals to have a severe hypoglycaemic reaction
What is the function of the alveoli?
Where gas exchange occurs
Oxygen passes through the alveoli into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide moves into the alveoli to be exhaled
How long does it take a sloth to digest its food?
up to 30 days