Young Adult
Middle Adult
Late Adult
Hodge Podge
Credited with the development of significant research in the area of gene mapping
What is the Human Genome Project?
Many schools are offering classes in parenting and money management for this purpose.
What is transition from adolescent to adulthood?
Health maintenance during middle adulthood should be geared toward___
What is preventing illness due to lifestyle and physiological changes?
Depression related memory loss that differs from normal age related memory loss due to the ______
What is rapid onset?
One of the goals for Healthy People 2020 for older adults.
What is reduction of morbidity from pneumonia and flu, disease prevention and reduction of occurrences of hip fractures?
The program developed to evaluate the ethical, legal and social implications of gene therapy.
What is the ELSI program?
The community health nurse assesses her client to find bruising to her arms. The nurse educates the client regarding the cycle of violence.
What is partner abuse?
Palpitations and hot flashes for a 55 year old woman should be considered____
What is menopause?
Completing crossword puzzles will help with supporting ____
What is memory retention?
“A dynamic, changing state of well-being, which includes the biological, psychological, spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of individuals and the whole family system” (Kaakinen, Gedaly, Coehlo, & Hanson, 2010, p.10)
What is the definition of family health?
A pregnant woman asks if it would be safe for her to drink alcohol once she has passed her first trimester.
What is there is no safe time to drink alcohol while pregnant?
This would be a priority when planning a community health event regarding men's health.
What is testicular self examination?
Education should be provided to the middle age man who is taking up a strenuous exercise program to increase his testosterone levels.
What is this may decrease the testosterone levels?
This is the most effective nursing intervention for health promotion in the older adult.
What is teaching positive health behaviors?
Predictable stages within the life cycle of every family; each stage has developmental tasks.
What is developmental assessment?
As a community nurse, the pregnant patient should be educated not to do this for her cat during pregnancy.
What is empty the litter box?
Maintaining good health in the young adult should be directed toward
What is preventing illnesses caused by lifestyle choices?
The middle adult woman who is divorced and has recently had her last child leave home, is experiencing _____
What is empty nest syndrome?
A statement by the older adult of forgetting the names of movie stars now but can recall them later.
What is age related memory changes?
Assists in understanding the sociocultural context of the family
What is culturagram?
A specially trained coach that remains with the mother during labor and delivery.
What is a doula?
From the age of 20 years to ____years is considered to be young adulthood.
What is 40?
Physiological changes that can occur in the middle adult.
What is redistribution of fat, loss of skin elasticity and thinning hair?
Using the CAGE alcohol assessment tool with ___ questions to assess the older adult.
What is 4?
Defines the immediate family members, their names, ages, and the relationship among those who live together
What is a genogram?