Therapeutic communication
Hematologic cancer
Hematologic disorders
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Math for meds
Elephantiasis, engorgement and ectopy (medical words starting with the letter E)

This statement - "It is my understanding that your arm pain is a level 1 since you received pain medication 1 hour ago" show this communication technique

What is summarizing


This blood component is often abnormal in patients who are receiving chemotherapy and lead to blood loss

What are platelets


This blood component is in short supply in anemia

What is erythrocytes


This condition causes pain in the legs that is alleviated with rest

What is Intermittent claudication


This condition results from bone marrow damage and results in the body not producing new blood cells

What is aplastic anemia?


This volume is required for an injection if 600mg are ordered and stock ampules contain

What is 1.7 ml?


This condition is often found with Peripheral venous disease but no with Peripheral artery disease

What is edema?


Using nonverbal cues such as nodding, using eye contact and leaning forward and using affirmations such as "I see and I know" is using the technique of ________

What is active listening?


Symptoms such as fever, bone pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, recurrent infections and bruising easily are common in patients who are suffering from this type of cancer which causes an excess of immature blood cells

What is Acute Myeloid Leukemia


This simple nursing intervention can be administered by an unlicensed person to alleviate joint pain in a patient with hemophilia

What is apply ice pack


Your patient is found to have a wound on the medial malleolus which has an irregular edged wound.  This is most likely what type of wound

What is Venous ulcer


This type of anemia is a result of the destruction of red blood cells at a rate that is too much for the bone marrow to restore

What is hemolytic anemia?


A 3.4kg child is ordered a medication for 5mg/kg/day with 4 doses per day. How many mg
would you administer per dose

What is 4.3 mg?


This positioning assists in compromised circulation when the issue is venous

What is elevation?


This type of communication mirrors and reflects the patient's feelings back to the patient

What is reflecting?


This overall goal is important for all patients who are suffering from hematologic cancer and is important due to disruption in blood production.

What is prevent infection


This symptom of sickle cell anemia is often a presenting symptom and occurs due to the vaso occlusive crisis

What is severe pain


This is the most common cause of peripheral artery disease and is caused by a build up of plaque in the arteries

What is atherosclerosis?

This anemia is a result of a lack of B12 as a result of diet, certain medications or digestive diseases such as Crohn's or Celiac disease.

What is Pernicious anemia?

A patient weighs 6.5kg and is prescribed a medication with a dose of 0.5mg/kg/day in equal
doses every 12 hours. How many mg will you give per dose?

What is 1.6 mg?


Damage to this layer of the vessel puts you at risk for a range of health problems including atherosclerosis.

What is endothelium


This type of therapeutic communication provides support by being present, it shows clients that they are valued and are worthy of your time and attention.

What is offering self

This type of treatment improves prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and should be started as soon as possible because of the quick progression of the disease.

What is chemotherapy.


These primary interventions for sickle cell anemia should be implemented as soon as possible; hydration, bedrest and ....

What is oxygenation

A patient with the following vital signs and the diagnosis of Pericarditis begins to have increased pain, pallor and lose of peripheral pulses in the right leg.  What should be the next course of action?

P 78, BP 118/80, R 16 temp. 98.2  O2 sat 92%

What is contact provider

Following this test, which is used to test for red blood cell production, the patient is told to not bathe for 24 hours

What is bone marrow aspiration?


How many mg per mL will be infused for a solution of 550mg of a medication in 200mL of

What is 2.8 ml


This hormone can sometimes increase the risk of blood clotting especially among smokers and pregnancy.

What is estrogen?


This time of therapeutic communication uses looks for more information.  "If you feel comfortable doing so, tell me more about your current struggles with alcohol use"

What is "exploring"


These proteins are found in the blood and urine of Multiple Myeloma patients

What are Bence Jones Proteins


Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a hematologic disorder that is secondary to infection, inflammation, cancer, trauma or this body wide response to infection

What is sepsis?

Acute onset of severe back pain with no precipitating cause or injury should prompt the provider to consider this in the differential.  Particularly in men over the age of 65 with a history of smoking

What is abdominal aortic aneurysm


This type of anemia changes the shape and plasticity of the red blood cell which affects it's ability to carry oxygen and makes it difficult to navigate through vessels.

What is sickle cell anemia.


A patient weighs 3kg and is prescribed a medication with a dose of 0.1mg/kg/day in equal
doses every 8 hours. How many mg will you give per dose

0.1 mg


This medication is often used prophylactic for patients who have prolonged bedrest to prevent deep vein thrombosis

What is Enoxaparin Sodium?