Nursing Process
Defense Mechanisms
Ethical and Legal Issues
Therapeutic communication
Therapeutic Relationship

Patient reason for admission, history of presenting problem, past medical history, family history.

What are sources of assessment information.


Refusing to accept an event because it is too painful.

What is denial?


Respect for an individual's right to self-determination.

What is autonomy?


What would you like to talk about today?

What is an example of "giving broad openings"?


This phase occurs before you actually have any contact with the patient.

What is the preinteraction phase?


Review assessment data, categorize signs/symptoms, analyze & interpret findings, _________, prioritize diagnosis according to significance to care of the individual patient.

What is how does a nurse develop a nursing diagnosis?


Justifying one's behavior by substituting good, acceptable reasons for these real motivations.

What is rationalization?


The nurse acts in a way that shows compassion, advocates for the patient and has a desire to act in a way that does good for the patient.

What is beneficence?


"Let me stay here with you" is an example of...

What is offering one's self?

Evaluate the progress and achievement of goals, identify strengths and weaknesses,  and refer to community resources & support systems.

What is the termination phase?


Patient centered, measurable, realistic, and a time frame for evaluation.

What are patient goals?


Adopting beliefs, attitudes, and feelings opposite of what you really believe.

What is reaction formation?


I want to be loyal, caring, and dedicated to my patient providing truth and fair treatment.

What is fidelity?


I will ask you a question and sit attentively while you process the information to reply.

What is "using silence".


Client centered goals are established along with a contract.

What is the orientation or introductory phase?


This looks at the patient's response to a potential or actual problem which could be related to the current medical problem, patient status, current environment challenges, the current physical, emotional, spiritual or mental health status of the patient at the current time.

What is a nursing diagnosis?


Reverting to an older, less mature way of handling stresses and feelings.

What is regression?


First do no harm to my patient and wish to avoid any injury or harm to my patient by treatments.

What is non-maleficence?


"What do you mean by what you said" is an example of what therapeutic communication technique.

What is "clarifying".


Exploring, focusing on, and the evaluation of client concerns and problems.

What is the working phase?


Data that comes from family, significant others, staff reports or consultations, medical record, test results, diagnostic procedures, response to treatments.

What is secondary data?


Channeling a feeling or thought from its actual source to something or someone else.

What is displacement?


Fair and equal distribution of resources; benefits and burdens.

What is justice?


"What I understand you to be saying is".

What is the therapeutic communication technique of "validating".


Determines how to initially approach the client.

What is the preinteraction phase?