English course requirement
Eng 1A - College Composition & Reading
Math course requirement
MAT - 13 Statistics
Two academic pathways for the VN program
AS Degree and Certificate
The vehicle used by EMTs
The school the presenter is from
Hartnell College
Length of Associate Degree RC Program
2 years (4 Semesters)
Length of RN Program
2 years (4 semesters)
Length of VN Program
1.5 Years (3 Semesters)
What does EMT stand for?
Emergency Medical Technician
True or False
All prerequisites need to be completed before applying to the VN, RN, and RC programs
Degrees available for RC program
Associate of Science and Bachelor Degree
Degree available for RN program
Associate of Science Degree
True or False
You need to be 18 years of age before starting the program
Clinical sites require students to be at least 18 years old
Age requirement to take the EMT course
18 years old
Three programs require prerequisites to be completed before applying.
VN, RN, and RC programs.
Device used to listen to the heart and lungs
True or False
Hartnell offers a Bachelors Degree for RN
Dual Enrollment with CSUMB
True or False
Only one (1) science course is needed for the Certificate and Guided VN Pathway program
BIO 11 - Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology
True or False
A California-issued ID is required
Day/time Program Informational Sessions offered
Wednesdays at 3:30 PM
RC's main role is to help patients with breathing problems by diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions that affect the ________.
The lungs
College with an ADN to BSN Pathway
A program available to recent HS graduates only
Guided VN Pathway Program
Semesters EMT courses offered in
Spring, Fall, and Summer
Meta Major for NHS
Health Sciences