What is the daily recommended intake of folic acid for a pregnant woman?
Latent phase, active phase, and transition phase
What are the three stages of labor?
Vaginal discharge after birth, transitioning from red to pink to white over several weeks
What is lochia, and how does it change postpartum?
120-160 beats per minute
What is the normal range for a newborn's heart rate?
Previous preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, and certain uterine or cervical abnormalities
What are the risk factors for preterm labor?
Nuchal translucency ultrasound and maternal serum screening
Name two common prenatal screening tests performed in the first trimester.
Quick assessment of the newborn's health, checking appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration
What is the APGAR score and what does it assess?
Postpartum hemorrhage and postpartum depression
Phototherapy and, in severe cases, exchange transfusion
How is newborn jaundice treated?
Monitoring blood pressure, assessing for signs of eclampsia, and administering antihypertensive medications
Describe the nursing interventions for a patient with preeclampsia.
Increased thrist, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision
Describe the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes
Monitoring blood pressure, providing comfort measures, and assisting with positioning
Describe the nursing care for a patient receiving an epidural.
Ensure proper latch, nurse frequently, and seek support from a lactation consultant
What advice should be given to a mother experiencing breastfeeding difficulties?
Checking vital signs, head-to-toe inspection, reflexes, and measurements of weight, length, and head circumference
Describe the steps of a newborn physical assessment.
Administering intravenous antibiotics during labor
What is the treatment for Group B Streptococcus in pregnant women?
Bed rest, reducing salt intake, and increasing fluid intake
What lifestyle modifications should be recommend to a pregnant woman with preeclampsia?
Fetal distress, placental abruption, and uterine rupture
What are the indications for an emergency cesarean section?
Heavy vaginal bleeding, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and signs of shock
Describe the signs of postpartum hemorrhage.
Irritability, tremors, poor feeding, and respiratory distress
What are the signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome?
Stabilizing the mother, monitoring fetal heart rate, and preparing for potential early delivery
Explain the management of a patient with a placental abruption.
To monitor fetal heart rate and movements in response to contractions or fetal activity, usually used in high-risk pregnancies
Explain the purpose of a non-stress test and when it might be used.
Applying suprapubic pressure, performing McRoberts maneuver, and delivering the posterior arm?
Explain the management of shoulder dystocia during delivery.
Starting with gentle exercises like walking, gradually increasing intensity, and waiting 6 weeks after a C-section
What are the recommendations for postpartum exercise?
Providing warmth, clearing the airway, assessing breathing and heart rate, and administering positive pressure ventilation if needed
Explain the protocol for neonatal resuscitation.
Increased risk of low birth weight, respiratory problems, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
What are the long-term effects of maternal smoking on the infant?