
What is a cumulative state of frustration with the work environment that develops over a long time; (2) behaviors exhibited as the result of prolonged occupational stress



 one who actively focuses on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, personal and professional well-being; live life to the fullest capacity, across the wellness/illness continuum, as they become stronger role models, advocates, and educators, personally, for their families, their communities and work environments, and ultimately for their patients.

healthy nurse 


capacity to intentionally bring awareness to present-moment experience with an attitude of openness and curiosity; mindfulness promotes healing as you pause, focus on the present, and listen



law established to regulate nursing practice

nursing practice 


Name four roles in professional nursing that require a graduate degree: ___________________



Examples of nursing roles requiring graduate level education include: nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, clinical nurse leader, nurse educator, and others.


What is a

loss of satisfaction from providing good patient care

Compassion Fatigue 


Nursing is a ___________ and an art; nurses skillfully apply the knowledge to help others achieve maximum health and quality of life.



five-step systematic method for giving patient care; involves assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating

Nursing process 


Founded in the late 1800s, the ___________ is a professional organization for registered nurses in the United States whose mission is to advance the profession of nursing to improve health for all.

American Nurses Association (ANA)


In-service education versus the education received in a formal or collegiate nursing program: ___________________


In-service education is organization specific, providing education and training designed to increase the knowledge and skills of the staff. Formal education programs such as professional or practical nursing and advanced degrees lead to a degree or credential and are typically more labor intensive.


What is an infection that was not present on admission to a health care institution and develops during the course of treatment for other conditions (nosocomial)



any action performed by a nurse to assist patients to meet health goals: promote wellness, prevent disease or illness, restore health, or facilitate coping with altered functioning



A guideline for nursing practice, which informs critical thinking and clinical reasoning is known as the ___________ integrates both the art and science of nursing.

The nursing process 


The ___________, founded in 1899, was the first international organization of professional women committed to maintaining high standards of nursing service and nursing education and ethics.

ICN (International nursing organization) 


Advantages of joining the National Student Nurses Association and/or a professional nursing organization: ___________________


The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) prepares students to participate in professional nursing organizations. Professional organizations focus on current issues in nursing and health care, health care policy, and legislation. Nurses belonging to these organizations network with colleagues, have a voice in legislation, and keep current with trends and issues in nursing


The ___________ of Nursing Practice is a terminal degree in nursing practice offering an alternative approach to research-focused terminal degrees such as the PhD.



feeling of despair caused by the transfer of emotional distress from a victim to a caregiver, which often develops suddenly

secondary traumatic stress 


an occupation that meets specific criteria including a well-defined body of specific and unique knowledge, a code of ethics and standards, ongoing research, and autonomy



The four broad aims and competencies of nursing are to promote ___________, prevent ___________, restore ___________, and facilitate ___________.

health, illness, health, coping with disability or death


Function of nurses in interprofessional teams and collaborative practice: ___________________


The nurse functions as part of an interprofessional group, advocating for patient care, communicating with team members in a professional, confident, and assertive manner, making recommendations based on current evidence. Collaborative practice facilitates the functions of all members of the health care team in provision of patient care. This function is supported by the QSEN competency of teamwork and collaboration.


 Nurses provide care to people, families, groups, and ___________.


The ability of people to obtain, process, and understand the basic information needed to make appropriate decisions about health is called ___________.

Health literacy 


Thoughtful, person-centered care: ___________________



In thoughtful, person-centered care, the patient and their needs are the focus of the nursing process and of the nurse’s clinical reasoning, judgment, and decision-making skills. The nurse integrates the human dimensions—the physical, intellectual, emotional, sociocultural, spiritual, and environmental aspects of each person—into nursing care to promote wellness, prevent illness, restore health, and facilitate coping with altered function or death.


process allowing a nurse to apply for and be endorsed as a registered nurse by another state



 Two (of the four) broad elements in common with the nurse practice acts of each state:

State laws protect the public through a regulatory body (board of nursing), which makes and enforces rules and regulations concerning the nursing profession. They define the legal scope of nursing practice at all levels and exclude unlicensed people from practicing nursing. They establish criteria for the education and licensure of nurses and maintaining the license, or they can revoke or suspend a license for professional misconduct.