This is the normal range for an adult heart rate.
What is 60-100 BPM?
lying flat
What is supine?
fatigue and weakness
what are the symptoms of anemia?
listening with a stethocope on the RLQ
What is the beginning of a GI auscultation?
plasma, RBC, WBC and platelets
What is the composition of blood?
This is the range for normal adult respirations.
What is 12-20/minute?
choking on food and liquids
What is dysphagia?
low blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and low 02 sat
What are the signs of anemia?
A nurse wears this type of PPE if the patient is on standard precautions.
What are non-sterile gloves?
component of blood that fights off pathogens
What are WBC?
True or False: 147/93 is considered a normal adult blood pressure.
What is false?
positioning the pt at 30-45 degree angle
What is semi-Fowler's position?
Carries oxygen to the body's cells.
What is hemoglobin?
leaving an impression on the skin when applying pressure
What is pitting edema?
immature red blood cells
What are Reticulocytes?
These 2 vital signs are the priority to check if the patient is cyanotic.
What are respirations and oxygen saturation?
breath sounds at the clavicle area
What are bronchial breath sounds?
stored iron
What is Ferritin?
pressure injury risk assessment tool
What is the Braden scale?
the percentage of red blood cells
What is hematocrit?
left side, mid-clavicular and between the 5th and 6th intercostal space
What is an apical pulse?
snoring-type breath sounds
What are rhonchi?
black stool, stained teeth, and constipation
What are the side effects of Ferrous sulphate?
These are the steps of the nursing process.
What is Assessment, Diagnose, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation?
A hormone that is made by the kidney that increases the rate of red blood cell (RBC) production
What is EPO (erythropoietin)?