ASN Program
General Policies
Academic Policies
Stan/Practice Lab
Name 5 policies concerning personal hygiene at clinical
What is bathing, oral care, use of deoderant, perfume or aftershave use, hair care, makeup use, fingernails, smoking, tatoos policies.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
What are the accrediting bodies of the SKC Nursing Program
List three campus resources
What is classrooms, SKills Practice labs, Library, Media lab Moodle (p.14)
Students must receive 90% in 2 tries within the first week of each quarter.
What is the Medication Calculation Quarterly Exam.
The criteria for recieving a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade.
What is definition of satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance. See list on p 33
The reason students must have current immunizations to attend clinical.
What is they are required by SKC Nursing, clinical agencies and or Montana State Law for healthcare providers. (18)
The Medicine Wheel
What is organizing framework for the Nursing program (7 and 11)
Students who need to work during school must follow this policy requirements.
What is student employment policy which includes not working for 8 hours prior to clinical activities. Recommendation of no more than 24 hours a week. (17)
The student must achieve a 75% grade average in order to do what?
What is progress in the Nursing program.
To offer the opportunity for students to have "real life" clinical experiences in a safe environment that facilitates learning.
What is the purpose for Simulation/Skills lab experiences?
The clinical dress policy Requirements
What is required to wear to clinical? Name them (25-26)
Critical Thinking, Culturally Congruent Care, Communication, Citizenship, and Care Management
What are the 5 Core Competencies?
Students enrolled in 12 or more credits will spend more than ____ hours in class and in preparation for class.
What is forty hours. (17)
Levels of seriousness are Mild (no awareness), Moderate (Semi-awareness) and severe ( Full awareness)/
What is SKC Nursing Dept Plagiarism policy?
Prompt attendance and active participation in lab is mandatory and attendance is reflection in the course grade.
What is Skills Practice and Stan Lab Policy? p. 35-36
Cell phone policy in the classroom and clinical
What is no cell phones or multimedia devices ( any device with a camera) will be allowed in the clinical unit. Cell phones must be turned off in the classroom and no texting in class.
The student follows this when having an issue with an NSGD Course.
What is the Chain of Command and where is it located? (p.5)
The student suspected of substance abuse will be required to -_____.
What is SKC Nursing Drug policy. Leave classroom or clinical immediately for assessment. Student must submit to drug testing at student expense, and may be dismissed from program for failure to follow policy guidelines.
Omission and or commission , either verbal or non-verbal, which threatens the emotional or physical safety of clients, peers, staff, faculty and others. Behavior that is disorderly, disruptive, or impedes the educational process or activities of the college community
What is examples of performance/behavior considered to be a serious nature and places student in jeopardy of immediate dismissal from program of nursing?
Describe the new Skills demonstration process with pass or fail outcomes
What is Nursing skill will be practiced and demonstrated to lab instructor during lab time before leaving that day. Mid- term and final skills testing will take place for level 1 Level 2 will have a competency midterm and cumulative final. (p. 36-37) see pass/ fail policy- 2 attempts only will be allowed.
Social media policy
What is No patient information can be used on social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace, or twitter. (26) Consequences may result in student dismissal.
Describe 4 criteria for Nursing school success
Take responsibility for learning Approach learning as a life-long process Develop skills as a critical thinker Role model caring behaviors (38)
One major difference between the roles of the ASN-prepared nurse and the BSN prepared nurse
What are Leadership and management skills
Define the current attendence policy for class, lab, and clinical.
What is see page 31 for Attendance policy
Describe clinical preparation activities
What is students may visit clinical site before clinical to obtain data or clinical instructor may contact the students with key data related to the assigned clients. Preparing drug cards, researching diagnosis material for recommended nursing care, and prepping for a care plan.