17th and 18th century
19th century
20th century
21st century
The first nurses were this.
What are criminals serving time.
Testified in 1843 to the Mass. State legislature about the inhumane treatment of patients with mental illness.
Who is Dorothea Dix?
On Feb 10, 1902 she became the 1st RN in the world
Who is Ellen Dougherty
Three of the challenges of 21st century nursing.
What are Resistant infections, Comorbidities, Burn out, Aging nursing population, Paperwork Vs. actual care, dissatisfaction with current jobs.
I opened the first formal training school for nurses in England and cut the death toll in the Crimean war.
Who is Florence Nightingale?
First practiced nursing in the Western European concept.
What are Male Catholic Monks during the dark ages.
Known as Captain Sally. She opened a hospital out of her home at her own expense during the civil war.
Who is Sally Louisa Tompkins?
The year that the American Red Cross of Nursing was formed.
What is 1909?
This makes communication, diagnostic testing and patient histories faster and easier to get during the 21st century.
What is Technology?
This is a loving nickname the soldiers of the Crimean war gave me.
What is The Lady of the Lamp?
Highest paid and most respected woan in the Morracan Army. Head Nurse.
Who is Rabia Choraya?
These were the hours of nurses in the 19th Century.
What is 7am to 8pm?
Founder of Orthopaedic Nursing opens a convalescent home for crippled children at Florence House in Baschiven which espoused the yet unproven theory of open-air treatment.
Who is Dame Agnes Gwendoline Hunt.
This is the privacy act that was passed by Congress in 1996 that has shaped the way information is shared in the 21st Century.
What is HIPAA?
A best seller published by Florence Nightingale on her beloved profession.
What is Notes on Nursing : What it is and What it is not.
Sent out from the convent in Paris to care for the sick in Angers during an epidemic outbreak in 1639.
Who are the Sisters of Mercy?
Four things that would make the head nurse suspect a jr. nurses integrity.
What is Drinking liquor, smoking, going to dance halls or getting hair done at a beauty shop?
In 1971, the first one of these was opened by Florence Wald, whose vision was to bring the terminally ill peace of mind and do whatever possible to free them from pain.
What is a hospice of palliative care center.
Put together in 2004 by the Joint Commission to insure quality care to all clients experiencing certain illnesses.
What are Core Measures?
Where Florence nightingale trained to become a nurse.
What is the Institute of Protestant Deaconesses in Kaiserworth, Germany.
In the 18th Century the main job of the nurse was this.
What is cleaning the ward?
Founder of the American Red Cross.
Who is Clara Barton?
In 1964 Virginia Henderson Identified this many basic needs to help clients gain independance as quickly as possible.
What is 14?
Healthcare act passed by Presient Obama that will inpact nursing in the 21st Century.
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
The issue that Florence Nightingale brought up time and again to improve hospitals and the condition of patients.
What is sanitation?