What is MRSA?

A type of staph bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics.


Who is our Safety Officer and how can s/he be reached?

Ed Rosa- Call or drop by the housekeeping supervisor's office.


How often an oxygen concentrator be checked?

Every 4 hours to make sure the water for humidification is present and flow rate is correct. 


Who is responsible for answering call lights?



The meal ticket says, "minced and moist, mildly thick liquids'.  What should the meal look like?

Minced food that fits through the tines of a fork, possibly with gravy, thickened liquid.


How do we identify a resident who has MRSA?

Kardex, Isolation supplies and/or signage on the door.


What should you do if you see a colleague perform care in an unsafe manner?

Do not criticize the person in front of a resident/family.  Say something like, "Here, let me help you" and guide them using the correct technique.


What would you do if you walked into a room and found that a resident who needed continuous oxygen had turned it off?

Put oxygen back on and get the charge immediately. Charge nurse must do a respiratory assessment. 


Where do you look to see how to transfer a resident?



Should you ever try to thicken liquids for your residents?

No.  This is outside the CNA scope of practice.  A nurse, speech therapist, or dietary worker may do this.


How do we prevent the spread of MRSA?

Wash hands/ practice hand hygiene. Wear gloves. Wear gowns when coming in contact with the resident's MRSA site. Goggles should be worn if there is any chance of splattering.


What do we do if an employee is injured at work?

Report injury to your supervisor. (Charge nurse, RCM, DNS, Administrator). If needed you will receive first aid or be send to clinic or ER. Fill out appropriate paper work. Give to Administrator/HR.


What should you do with an empty oxygen tank?

Return it to the oxygen room, remove the tag so it shows as empty, place in rack labelled 'empty O2' by door.


During a meal pass, when do you perform hand hygiene?

1. Prior to meal service.

2. Before preparing a tray.

3. After touching the meal cart

4. After leaving any resident room.


How do you know what type of diet is ordered for your resident?

Meal ticket, Menu2u, Ask the Nurse


What do we do with laundry of a resident who has MRSA?

Soiled clothes belonging to the resident are place in a yellow plastic bag in a bin inside the resident's room. Then they are placed in the laundry like all the other laundry.


If you come across a piece of equipment that is not functioning correctly, what would you do?

Take the equipment off the floor. Mark with 'out of service' tag/label. Fill out a maintenance request in TELS.


What measures do we regularly take to decrease the risk of pressure injury. 

1. Two person for bed mobility to reduce friciton. 2. Turn every 2 hours when in bed (if resident is unable to do by self).  3. Barrier cream for incontinent residents q shift. 4. Regular brief checks to keep residents clean and dry. 5. Thorough peri care and toilet hygiene.


When working in the dining room, when do you need to perform hand hygiene.

Before meal service,

Before entering the kitchen

After touching any resident.

Wash hands anytime visible soil on hand.


What should you do if the food served does not appear to match the diet noted on the meal ticket?

Verify with the nurse, return it to dietary for a replacement tray.


How do we handle the trash?

Trash will be handled the same as in other resident's rooms. However, if there are materials with drainage, those items should be placed in a red biohazard bag and placed in the red biohazard container located in the soiled utility room.


What should you do when getting oxygen cylinders from the Medical Gas Supply closet.

1. Ensure the tank is full

2. Wipe the cylinder with a sani wipe.

3. Transport with a cart.


If a resident  has a ulcer to her coccyx. Should she be able to attend an activity even though she has been up for awhile?

YES! Resident should be able to go to the activities of her choice. Try to lay down between activities.


You are super busy.  A resident states they need to use the bathroom.  What do you do?

Take them to the Bathroom.


What should you do if your resident cannot drink or suck honey thick liquids through a straw?

 Administer with a spoon.