Nursing Math
Nursing Potpourri
Nursing Equipment
Nursing Pharmacology
Really Random Things
Convert 99 pounds to kg.

What is 45 kg?


Name an example of an NSAID

Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, ketoralac (Toradol)


You are taking vital signs and need to determine the client's oxygen level.

What is a pulse oximeter?


What is a side effect of large doses of lasix? 

Hypokalemia (low K) 


The name of Professor B's dog AND her nickname.

What is Pebbles and Stinky?


You are teaching your patient's parent to give Tylenol. You need to give 15 ml of medication. You are going to tell the mother to give ______ teaspoons.

What is 3 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon?


GCS is short for what term and what behaviors/items does it measure.

What is Glasgow coma scale, eye-opening, verbal, motor?


Your patient reports the urge to void but is unable to pass any urine after several attempts. What piece of equipment should the nurse look for? (Think non-invasive)

What is a bladder scanner?


Name 7 medication rights. 

What are:

Right medication, Right patient, Right dose, Right time, Right route, Right documentation, Right response (evaluation), Right education, Right assessment, Right to refuse

(Don't forget allergies and education)


Who founded the Red Cross?

Who is considered the founder of modern nursing?

Who is Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale?


Doctor orders your patient a heparin drip at 5 units/kg/hr and to administer a loading bolus dose of 10 units/kg IV before starting the drip. You have a bag that reads 12,500 units/250 mL. The patient weighs 110 lbs. What is the bolus volume and the rate of the hourly infusion?

What is 500 units/10 mL AND 5 mL per hour

110 lbs x 2.2 = 50 kg. 

50 kg x 10 units = 500 units. 500/12,500 x 250 = 10 mL

50 kg x 5 units = 250 units. 250/12,500 x 250 = 5 mL per hour


What does SBAR stand for and what is it used for?

What is situation, background, assessment, and recommendations. Easy/universal method to give report or communicate with other health care personnel?


Your patient is post-surgery and you want to decrease the chance of developing atelectasis.

What is an incentive spirometer?


You need to give an anti-emetic. What is wrong with your patient? Name two examples of this medication.

What is my patient has nausea and/or vomiting?

What is Zofran (ondansetron), Reglan (metoclopramide), Vistaril (hydroxyzine), Marinol (dronabinol/cannabinoid), Compazine (prochlorperazine), Maxidex (dexamethasone), Transderm Scop (scopolamine), Promethegan (promethazine)  


Which clinical manifestation will the nurse likely observe in a neonate who is diagnosed with a congenital malfunction fistula between the esophagus and the trachea?

A) An abdomen that is concave in shape.

B) Apnea and bluish discoloration of the face at feeding.

C)Decreased breath sounds auscultated in all lung fields.

D) Tender abdomen following feedings.

B) Apnea and bluish discoloration of the face at feeding.


The physician orders Tylenol for a child weighing 20 kg. The order reads: Tylenol 15mg/kg q4-6hr PRN. The bottle contains 160mg/5ml. How much Tylenol do you give (round to the nearest tenth)

15 mg x 20 kg = 300 mg

300/160 x 5 = 9.375 mL

What is 9.4 mL?


Name this rhythm and the usual treatment.

What is atrial fibrillation

What is put on a blood thinner and medication to control heart rate/rhythm?

Blood thinners: Warfarin, Eliquis, Xarelto

Heart medications: {for rate} beta-blockers (atenolol), calcium-channel blockers (diltiazem), antiarrhythmic (digoxin) OR {for rhythm} sodium channel blockers (flecainide or quinidine) or potassium channel blockers (amiodarone)


A 3-way Foley catheter is used for _______________

What is (CBI) continuous bladder irrigation for hematuria?


This class of medications can cause dry cough and angioedema. Give me the suffix of the medication and what it treats?

What is -pril and angiotensin converting enzymes (ACE) inhibitors?


You are giving two types of insulin, cloudy and clear. How would you draw this up?

What is:

Roll cloudy (to mix). Clean vial tops. Inject air into the cloudy (NPH). Inject air into the clear (regular) vial. Draw insulin from the regular vial (clear), then draw insulin from the clear vial (NPH).


There is an order for your post-op patient to receive Dantrolene (Ryanodex). Your patient weight is 95kg. The order is 2.5 mg/kg rapid IV bolus, repeat PRN The vial contains 250mg/vial. You will reconstitute the vial with 5 mL of sterile water. How much will you give (both dose and volume)?

2.5 mg x 95 kg = 237.5 mg 

237.5/250 x 5 mL = 4.75 mL

What is 237.5 mg and 4.75 mL?

List 2 symptoms that can be seen in patients with Parkinson's disease. 

What are muscle rigidity, involuntary tremors, bradykinesia, impaired posture and balance, speech changes?


Spell the medical term for a manual blood pressure cuff.

What is s-p-h-y-g-m-o-m-a-n-o-m-e-t-e-r (sphygmomanometer)


Patient is receiving carbidopa-levodopa for parkinsonism. This condition is a contraindication for this medication.

What is glaucoma?


The nurse provides education to a pregnant client who is prescribed a glucose tolerance test (GTT). Which client statement indicates a need for additional instruction from the nurse regarding the GTT?

A) "I will need to have my blood drawn during this test."

B) "During the test, I will need to consume a sugary drink based on my current weight."

C) "I should not eat anything after midnight before this test."

D)"I understand that this test helps to check for diabetes during pregnancy."

 C) "I should not eat anything after midnight before this test."

There is no need to prepare or change the diet in any way.