Nursing Potpourri
"You are Getting on My Nerves"
Candy trivia
Nursing process/Care Guides

"Cold and clammy, need some candy."

What is hypoglycemia.

Signs and symptoms: Sweating, Tachycardia, shaking (tremors), confusion, Pale, fatigue  

Hyperglycemia signs and symptoms: Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, nausea, fatigue, and blurred vision 


The nurse is assessing a client with a tentative diagnosis of MS. Which assessment finding would the nurse identify as a characteristic of early signs of MS?
A. Diplopia
B. Resting tremor
C. Flaccid Paralysis
D. Unilateral neglect

What is A. diplopia.


What was the first wrapped penny candy in America?

Tootsie Rolls

Tootsie Rolls were included in US soldier ration boxes during World War II because they were practical to pack and had a long shelf life. The army also considered them a quick source of energy.


What is the first thing the student nurse should do before preparing the medications for the client?

What is verify the accuracy of the medications on the MAR with the physician's orders.


History of CVA and having dysphagia.

Give a nursing diagnosis.

What is risk of aspiration

Impaired swallowing


Indicates fluid in the lungs. Hint: normally seen with pneumonia or congestive heart failure (CHF)

What are Crackles


A client with glaucoma is being assessed for new symptoms. Which symptom indicates a high priority need for reassessment of intraocular pressure?
A. Burning in the eye
B. Inability to differentiate colors
C. Increased sensitivity to light
D. Gradual vision changes

What is D.  Gradual vision changes

 Gradual vision changes are an indication of increased intraocular pressure. A burning sensation in the eye usually indicates inflammation and/or infection. An inability to differentiate colors is an early sign of cataracts. An increased sensitivity to light might be a sign of a corneal abrasion


Double jeopardy!

What is the most popular candy of all the world?

What is the most popular Halloween candy in 2024?

What is chocolate.

What are M & M.  Reese Peanut butter cups were dethroned for the first time.


Which medication does the nurse expect the healthcare provider (HCP) to prescribe for a client who is diagnosed with heart failure and reports a nagging cough and an incident of angioedema with the use of enalapril

A.  Alprazolam 0.75 mg PO daily

B.  Guaifenesin 15 mg daily

C.  Captopril 40 mg PO daily


Alprazolam 0.75 mg PO daily

Guaifenesin 15 mg daily

Captopril 40 mg PO daily

Losartan 80 mg PO daily

Double Jeopardy: What is the drug class for this medication

What is Losartan 80 mg PO daily

Double Jeopardy
Losartan is in a class of medications called angiotensin II receptor antagonists. It works by blocking the action of certain natural substances that tighten the blood vessels, allowing the blood to flow more smoothly and the heart to pump more efficiently. 


A set of signs and symptoms gathered during assessment that you group together in a logical way which inform the nursing diagnosis

What is a data cluster?


Who is considered the founder of modern nursing?

Double jeopardy

What was is this person associated with?

Who is Florence Nightingale 

Double Jeopardy

What is the Crimean War (1854–1856) 

  • Nightingale led a group of 38 nurses to care for British soldiers in the military hospital at Scutari, Turkey. 


A Facial paralysis caused by unilateral inflammation of the seventh cranial nerve

What is Bell's Palsy

 3-5 weeks: Length of time patients take to recover from Bell’s Palsy


What was the original name of Candy corn?

" Chicken Feed"

Candy corn is the second most popular Halloween candy.  one corn is 7 calories.

The candy was originally called "Chicken Feed" because it resembled corn kernels and corn was primarily fed to animals before World War


Which medication does the nurse expect the healthcare provider (HCP) to prescribe for a client who is diagnosed with heart failure and reports a nagging cough and an incident of angioedema with the use of

A.  Alprazolam 0.75 mg PO daily

B.  Guaifenesin 15 mg daily

C.  Captopril 40 mg PO daily

D.  Losartan 80 mg PO daily


Losartan 80 mg PO daily

Ace inhibitors are the first line of meds for heart failure.  If a person is allergic to one Ace inhibitor then you would not prescribe any meds of the class.

Losartan is in a class of medications called angiotensin II receptor antagonists. It works by blocking the action of certain natural substances that tighten the blood vessels, allowing the blood to flow more smoothly and the heart to pump more efficiently.


"Actual" , "Risk For", and "Health Promotion" 

Double jeopardy

How many steps are there to the nursing process?

What are three types of nursing diagnoses?

What is 5   

  • Assessment: Involves collecting and organizing relevant data, and using critical thinking skills
  • Diagnosis: Identifying the factors that are causing the patient's health problems
  • Planning: Working with the patient to identify measurable goals to address the diagnosis
  • Implementation: Taking action to achieve the goals
  • Evaluation: Reassessing whether the goals have been met

You're assessing your patient's morning labs. The metabolic panel shows the following results below. Which results are abnormal? Select all that apply:*
A. Potassium 2 mEq/L
B. Sodium 110 mEq/L
C. BUN 10
D. Magnesium 2.3 mg/dL
E. Glucose 96 mg/dL


A. Potassium 2 mEq/L
B. Sodium 110 mEq/L


What is Fatal neurodegenerative disease. Loss of motor neurons (nerve cells controlling muscles) in the anterior horns of the spinal cord and the motor nuclei of the lower brainstem.

What is  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 

Double Jeopardy 

What is the mean survival rate for ALS? 


In what country was the first candy made?


  What is Egypt.

Fun Fact: Historians believe the first candies were made using honey by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to create sweets and preserve fruits and nuts.


What are Drugs that end in “PRIL”?

What are ACE inhibitors?

 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are medicines that help relax the veins and arteries to lower blood pressure.


Name a nursing diagnosis for a patient who is having difficulty breathing.

What is Impaired gas exchange.

What is Ineffective breathing patterns.


What is like riding a bike.  Except the bike is on fire and you're on fire and everything is on fire and you feel like you are in hades?

What is nursing school.


Which of the following is not a signs and symptom below that can present in myasthenia gravis 

 A. Respiratory failure

  •  B. Increased salivation
  •  C. Diplopia
  •  D. Ptosis
  •  E. Slurred speech
  •  F. Restlessness

What is B.  Increased Salivation


What was the profession of the creator of cotton candy?

What is a dentist 

The original name of cotton candy was Fairy Floss.

  • National Cotton Candy Day is December 7!


Name a drug used for an anaphylactic reaction

Benadryl, epinephrine, Pepcid and Zantac.


Client will report pain acuity less than 4 on a scale of 0-10.

What is expected outcome statement in measurable terms.