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Mentor-Coach-Counsel & TeamSTEPPS oh my!

The type of leader who motivates and inspires followers through optimism, stimulation, and creativity

What is Transformational 


Hospitals with this status have high rates of satisfaction. This satisfaction is achieved, in part, by nurses having more authority and autonomy

What is Magnet Status


This IOM report made recommendations to implement nurse residency programs, increase the rate of BSNs to 80% by 2020, and double the number of nurses working with a doctorate by 2020

What is the Futur of Nursing report 


Which of the following examples would be appropriate for a RN to delegated to an AUA. Select all that apply

A. Teaching oral care to a child who is neutropenic

B. Taking vital signs on a patient who has had a change mental status

C. Ambulating a patient to the bathroom who had a fall on the previous shift

D. Sitting with a patient who requires one on one care

C and D


_____________ programs help to reduce turnover

What is mentoring?


This is the term that describes when a significant error occurs such as amputating the wrong limb or leaving sponges or instruments in a patient during surgery.

What is a never event?


Professional nurses use a team approach to conflict resolution. 

This strategy, used by teams, generates as many ideas and/or solutions as possible 

What is Brainstorming


This project serves as a repository for knowledge, skills, and attitudes that learners need to develop to serve as safe practitioners and provides research on ways to improve communication to enhance patient safety

What is Quality and Safety Education for Nurses or QSEN 


Which of the following are characteristics of an effective team?

A. Active Listening

B. Commitment

C. Shared Goal(s)

D. Honesty

E. Positions of Power

What is A, B, C, and D


______________ provides information on how to learn a new role and improve performance, but is dependent on the willingness to receive feedback.  

What is coaching?


This umbrella term assists nurses to address challenges they face in practice and reflects a framework of mutuality, facilitation, protection, and coordination in which nurses control their own practice  

What is workplace advocacy 


There are four areas of caring for patients that an RN can not delegate to a LPN. Name the four aspects.

What is TAPE: Teaching, assessment, planning care, and evaluating outcomes


The federal agency devoted to improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of healthcare

What is the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or AHRQ


Which of the following would be examples of external motivation?

A. Taking a new job for more money 

B. Taking a new job for a promotion

C. Achieving the goal of becoming a NP

D. Achieving the goal of starting your own home health company

What is A and B


________________provides opportunities for honest feedback to address concerns and should always occur confidentially.

What is counseling?


This organizational strategy empowers nurses through the ideas of autonomy and authority whereby autonomy recognizes the employee as an organization's most important asset and authority empowers the employee in practice and decision-making 

What is Shared Governance


This communication strategy used by nurses ensures a structured transfer of information about patients.

Hint: created by the AHRQ and US Dept. of Defense

What is SBAR? 

Situation Background Assessment Recommendation


Before performing this process a RN must consider the complexity of the task, the knowledge and skill level of another individual, and the potential for patient harm.

What is Delegation


You are hired as a new nurse manager on a unit that has utilized a primary nursing model for the last 10 years. You have been asked to transition to a new care model that will incorporate AUAs. Which of the following strategies would assist you in achieving positive change? Select all that apply

A. Share the information via email and allow the staff time to process before discussing the change in person

B. Explore staff feelings regarding the change 

C. Use early adopters to role model the new care model

D. Post articles in the bathroom that describe the benefits of the new care model

What is B and C


The TeamSTEPPS communication tool/method that is appropriate to use when there is concern that potential harm could happen or a potential error is about to occur if a different course of action is not taken.

What is a CUS, concerned, uncomfortable, safety?


This program and/or process is used by hospitals to improve patient outcomes and follows the acronym PDSA.

What is Quality or Performance Improvement


These two strategies and/or tools aid in discovering the root cause of a problem.

What are the 5 Whys and fishbone diagram?


This organization releases annual Patient Safety Goals, has published a set of approved abbreviations, and provides accreditation for hospitals based on multiple elements such as environment of care, medication management, life safety, and patient safety

What is the Joint Commission


You are a relatively new nurse in a busy surgical ICU. Over the last several months you have noticed that the manager of the unit fails to address serious issues related to staffing and plays favorites with different staff members. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

A. The conflict will help staff form a collective bargaining unit

B. There will be a negative impact on patient outcomes.

C. Productivity will increase

D. The conflict will result in improved communication

What is B


Name four factors on the TeamSTEPPS I'm Safe Checklist that individuals should be self-aware of because research indicates a person's diminished well-being is known to cause adverse events and errors.

What are: alcohol and drugs, illness, fatigue, lack of sleep, increased stress, unmet physical needs such as elimination and eating, taking medication.