Shared Governance Concepts
4 Phases of Disaster Management
Collective Bargaining
Leadership Characteristics
More Leadership Concepts

Partnership, Equity, Accountability, Ownership

What are the principles of Shared Governance? 


A farmer builds a new horse barn with materials designed to withstand the effects of wind, flying debris, and pouring rains.

What is the mitigation phase?


“Nurse activists believe in using a unified voice for nurses.” 

What is collective bargaining?

I work with others to find solutions to problems. A term for this is...
What is collaborative or transformational?

Nurse Rich is a nurse with lots of experience. People ask him to help or to answer questions all the time at work. He is this kind of leader..

What is informal?


a leadership model that involves nurses and nurse leaders working together to make decisions that affect patient outcomes, services, and staff.

What is Shared Governance?


After an avalanche, several horses and riders are missing. A search team is dispatched.

What is the response phase?


These groups are representative of nurses & how they choose their representative if they wish to participate in traditional or nontraditional collective bargaining.

What are their state nurse’s association and the National Nurses United (NNU)?

My process includes using groups to achieve goals. I work with people and guide them to a good result. My style of leadership is called...
What is transformational?

My leadership style is to keep the place running, I react to situations, and I don't focus on the future.

What is transactional?


•Increased professionalism, •Increased collaboration & mutual respect, •Increased employee satisfaction, •Increased retention

What are benenfits of SG?


Several weeks after a flood, there is concern that well-supplying drinking water for beef cattle has become contaminated. To minimize the risk to the cows, the owner tests the water quality weekly for bacterial contamination.

What is the recovery phase?


negotiates contracts with employees to determine their terms of employment, including pay, benefits, hours, leave, job health and safety policies

What is collective bargaining in healthcare?

I like to see the big picture of how everything is operating. My process for fixing immediate staffing problems is to...
What is delegate or find the staff myself?

System thinking involves...

What is looking at the whole organization not just a sum of the different parts of it?


•Decreased “failure to rescue”, •Decreased lengths of stay,•Reduced mortality,•Reduced patient morbidity

What are the benefits of SG for clients?


Large-scale events in which there are inadequate resources to meet the needs of the affected community.

What is a disaster?


Whenever nurses see a need to organize to take collective action

When collective bargaining by nurses can occur?

I like to help people improve their skills and knowledge so they can overcome their challenges. I use this technique.
What is mentoring or inspiring?

it can help reduce communication barriers between different disciplines and levels of staff, and minimize the chance of miscommunication. 

What is SBAR ...?


•Promoting evidence-based practice, • employee engagement,•Increased personal & professional development, & a Healthy work environment

Why is shared governance in healthcare important?


The most effective level at which the losses from disasters can be minimized.

What is having Personal preparedness?


Nurses have identified this as the best way to attain the goals of workplace safety issues and health hazards.

What is the traditional type of collective bargaining (union)?


I am a leader who allows the team to make decisions on their own without any guidance from me. My leadership style is...

What is Laissez faire?


SBAR is a way of communication in healthcare... It stands for...

What is the Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation (or Request)?