
A patient who takes the oral antidiabetic agent metformin (Glucophage) will begin taking levothyroxine (Synthroid). The nurse will teach this patient to monitor for:

a. hyperglycemia

b. hypoglycemia

c. hyperkalemia

d. hypokalemia

Levothyroxine may interfere with blood glucose control and reduce the effectiveness of metformin and other diabetic medications. Therefore, it’s essential to monitor blood sugar levels closely.  

This type of antiretroviral drug is called a nucleoside analogue, or "nuke".

What is zidovudine?

Also known as AZT.  It is used in combination with other anti-HIV drugs to treat, but not cure, HIV.


A medication used to increase the tone of the urinary detrusor muscle.

What is bethanechol chloride (Urecholine)?


A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has a new prescription for warfarin. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

a. "I'll be sure to eat more foods with vitamin K."

b. "I'll take aspirin for my headaches"

c. "I'll use my electric razor for shaving."

d. "It's okay to have a couple glasses of wine with dinner each evening."

c. "I'll use my electric razor for shaving."


A nurse is caring for a client who is taking digoxin for heart failure and develops indications of severe digoxin toxicity. Which medication should the nurse prepare to administer?

What are Fab antibody fragments (Digifab or Digibind)?


A mucosal protectant used to cover and protect gastrointestinal ulcers. This drug should be taken on an empty stomach for best effect.

What is sucralfate?


This drug belongs to a group of antibiotics used to treat several types of bacteria, including tuberculosis (TB) which can be latent in persons with HIV.

What is rifampin?


The nurse is teaching a 15-year-old female patient and her parents about an antibiotic the adolescent will begin taking. The drug is known to decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). The nurse will:

a. ask the adolescent and her parents whether she is taking OCPs.

b. tell her parents privately that pregnancy may occur if she is taking OCPs.

c. tell her privately that the medication may decrease the effectiveness of OCPs.

d.  warn her and her parents that she may get pregnant if she is relying on OCPs.

c. tell her privately that the medication may decrease the effectiveness of OCPs.


Very effective in treating and preventing bronchospasm, side effects of this inhaled therapy include tremors, headache, dry mouth, and can raise blood pressure.

What is albuterol?


A class of antibiotics effective against gram-negative bacteria. However, there is growing evidence that they can cause hearing loss tinnitis, and/or balance problems. 

What are aminoglycosides (gentamicin, neomycin, tobramycin, etc.)


This type of intermediate-acting insulin can last throughout the day, lasting longer in the body than natural insulin does.

What is Humulin N, or Novolin N, or NPH?


A patient is prescribed raloxifene as a cancer prophylactic agent. Which type of cancer is this being used to prevent?

a Prostate cancer.

b Colon cancer.

c Multiple myeloma.

d Breast cancer. 


D. Breast Cancer


A woman is diagnosed with herpes simplex virus (genital herpes). Which statement by the patient indicates understanding of the medication regime? 

a. “Antiviral drugs can help with my outbreaks and symptoms, but will not cure my genital herpes.” 

b.  “I take my medication as prescribed I will not have any more outbreaks.”

c.  “If I stay on my medication after my current outbreak resolves I won’t have any more episodes.”

d.  “I can use the medications once a month to treat symptoms.”

a. “Antiviral drugs can help with my outbreaks and symptoms, but will not cure my genital herpes.”


Often used to treat a cough. This medication/ medication drug class helps to stimulate secretions rather than suppress the urge to cough. 

What is an exdpectorant? Example: Guaifenesin  (Mucinex)

A client arrives in the emergency department unresponsive, with pinpoint pupils, and respiratory rate of 6 breaths per minute. This drug should be administered stat!

What is naloxone?

The client is demonstrating signs of opioid overdose.


This oral medication used in patients with type 2 diabetes must be held prior to the patient receiving iodinated contrast for radiographic imaging, in order to avoid kidney damage.

What is metformin (glucophage)?


This bone marrow stimulant helps the body make white blood cells.  This might be needed after the person has received chemotherapy or had radiation exposure.

What is filgastrim (Neupogen)?

Because of this bone marrow stimulation, some patients experience mild to moderate bone pain.


A male patient wants to begin taking tadalafil (Cialis) to treat erectile dysfunction. Which aspect of this patient’s history would be of particular concern?

a. Angina pectoris 

b.  Asthma

c.  Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)

d.  Color blindness


A. Angina pectoris


A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin to a client who has heart failure. Which of the following actions is appropriate?

a. Withholding the medication if the heart rate is above 100/min

b.  Instructing the client to eat foods that are low in potassium

c. Measuring apical pulse rate for 30 seconds before administration

d. Evaluating the client for nausea, vomiting, and anorexia

d. Evaluating the client for nausea, vomiting, and anorexia


Used to control seizures, this medication can increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.

What is phenytoin?


The nurse is caring for a patient who is receiving 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to treat pancreatic cancer. Which interventions are included in the nurse’s plan of care for this patient? (Select all that apply.)

a. Apply ice to the IV site if the patient reports pain.

b. Administer antiemetics when the patient reports nausea.

c. Counsel the patient to use waxed dental floss. 

d. Discourage visits with people who have respiratory infections. 

e. Offer ice chips frequently. 

f. Restrict to nothing by mouth during IV drug administration.


a. Apply ice to the IV site if the patient reports pain.

c. Counsel the patient to use waxed dental floss. 

d. Discourage visits with people who have respiratory infections. 

e. Offer ice chips frequently. 


The patient on immunosuppressant medications is speaking to the nurse about appropriate activities. Which statement requires intervention? (Select all that apply.)

a. “I am going to the state fair with my friends.” 

b.  “I enjoy working in my garden to relax.” 

c.  “I will brush my teeth after meals.

d. “It’s OK to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.” 

e.  “I should get a new glass, if the one I am drinking from has been sitting out.”

f.  “I should bath daily, using an antimicrobial soap.”



a. “I am going to the state fair with my friends.” 

b.  “I enjoy working in my garden to relax.” 

d. “It’s OK to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.” 



A woman is diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS) after being unable to conceive. Her provider has ordered metformin (Glucophage) and clomiphene citrate (Clomid). The nurse will explain that metformin is given for which purpose?

a. To increase androgen levels

b. To induce ovulation

c. To promote a dominant follicle

d. To regulate menstrual periods 

D. To regulate menstrual periods 


A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has angina pectoris and a new prescription for nitroglycerin sublingual tablets. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

a. "I'll dial 911 if I still have pain after taking 3 nitroglycerin tablets 5 minutes apart."

b. "I'll dial 911 if I still have pain after taking 4 nitroglycerin tablets over a 20-minute period."

c. "I'll dial 911 if 1 nitroglycerin tablet does not relieve my pain, and then take up to 2 more tablets 5 minutes apart while waiting."

d. "I'll dial 911 when I have pain and then take the nitroglycerin tablets."

c. "I'll dial 911 if 1 nitroglycerin tablet does not relieve my pain, and then take up to 2 more tablets 5 minutes apart while waiting."


I will breathe easier knowing this anti-inflammatory agent will treat my gout!

What is colchicine?

Colchicine works by decreasing swelling and lessening the buildup of uric acid crystals.