Comprised of nurse staff members and managers from each Public Health Division. The Nurse Specialist, Quality Practice, Nurse Specialist in the Child, Family and Dental Health Division and Chief Nursing Officer are standing members.
What is the Nursing Practice Committee? (Slide 45 of orientation presentation). The purpose of the committee is …
"To contribute to excellence in public health practice by promoting and supporting a positive practice environment for nurses at the Region of Waterloo Public Health and Paramedic Services."
Initial document that helped define the generic knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the practice of public health.
What is Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada Release 1.0. This was distributed in 2007 and is currently under revision. (Slide 56 in orientation presentation)
In what instances would nursing staff need to identify themselves as Registered Nurses?
Nursing staff will need to identify themselves as a Registered Nurse when:
•interacting with the public
•writing reports for the public, and
•completing documentation
•see ROWPHP Nursing Documentation SOP (slide 54 of orientation presentation)
Questions about nursing documentation practice at ROWPHP? A search of DOCS#1048392 will bring up this.
What is the Nursing Documentation Manual? (Slide 68 of orientation presentation)
Roles are to provide leadership and support for nursing quality assurance, nursing practice standards, nursing orientation, strategic monitoring of nursing strategic plan, nursing documentation practice and nursing documentation audits etc.
What are the responsibilities of the Nurse Specialist, Quality Practice and the Nurse Specialist, CFH? (Slide 53 of orientation presentation)
Community Health Nurses Association of Canada (CHNC) created this document to define the skills, judgements, knowledge and attitudes required for nursing practice in Public Health
What is the Public Health Nursing Discipline Specific Competencies? (Slide 60 of orientation presentation). The Public Health Nursing Competencies are the integrated knowledge, skills, judgement and attributes required of a public health nurse to practice safely and ethically. Attributes include, but are not limited to attitudes, values and beliefs.
Is annual CPR certification required for nurses at ROWPH?
What is yes? Current CPR certification is required for all ROWPHP nursing staff. Standard First Aid training is optional. See SOP-PHE-11-80 (DOCS#1441316). Training is offered through the Region. The SPS Project Coordinator communicates with nurses when it's their turn for re-certification. (Slide 84 of orientation presentation)
This committee is comprised of these members and are responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the maintenance of the ROWPHP Nursing Documentation SOP, Documentation Manual, Audit SOP, Audit Manual and ensure training and support of nursing documentation requirements for ROWPHP nursing staff.
What is the Nursing Documentation Standing Committee?
This dedicated role provides leadership and support to departmental nursing practice initiatives focused on leadership, professional practice and quality assurance.
Who is the Nurse Specialist, Quality Practice? (Slide 51 of orientation presentation)
Which is the incorrect competency category?
Public Health and Nursing Sciences
Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness
Assessment and Analysis
Policy and Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
Partnerships, Collaboration and Advocacy
Professional Responsibility and Accountability
The correct competency categories are 1)Public Health and Nursing Sciences 2)Assessment and Analysis 3)Policy and Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation 4)Partnerships, Collaboration and Advocacy 5)Diversity and Inclusiveness 6)Communication 7)Leadership and 8)Professional Responsibility and Accountability
Health Promotion
Prevention and Health Protection
Health Maintenance, Restoration and Palliation
Professional Relationships
Capacity Building
Health Equity
Evidenced Informed Practice
Professional Responsibility and Accountability
What are the standard domains for the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice? From slide 59 of orientation presentation
●The final 2019 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice consist of eight standard domains and 81 standard statements
Health Promotion
Prevention and Health Protection
Health Maintenance, Restoration and Palliation
Professional Relationships
Capacity Building
Health Equity, Evidenced Informed Practice and
Professional Responsibility and Accountability
●As well Access and Equity from the 2011 standards has been changed to Health Equity. This standard domain experienced the addition of nine new statements and six reworded statements. The new statements more explicitly integrated concepts related to critical social theory, social justice, health equity, racism, and acknowledgement of marginalized populations including Indigenous people
A search of DOCS#4325092 will bring you to:
What is the departmental nursing abbreviations list? (Slide 68 of orientation presentation)
The person in this dedicated role supports nurses in CFH division through training, consultation and sharing evidence-based information.
Who is the Nurse Specialist, Child, Family and Dental Health Division? (Slide 51 of orientation presentation)
Competency category that includes nurses being accountable for their actions and are responsible for making sure that they have the required knowledge and skills needed to ensure the delivery of safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care.
What is Professional Responsibility and Accountability competences? It includes the competencies required to maintain quality work environments and relationships needed in a professional practice. Public Health nurses are responsible for initiating strategies that will address the determinants of health and generate a positive impact on people and systems. They are accountable to a variety of authorities and stakeholders as well as to the induvial and community they serve. This range of accountabilities places them in a variety of situations with unique ethical dilemmas. (Public Health Nursing Discipline Specific Competencies Version 1.0 p. 9)
Once past the probation period, nurses are required to create this as part of their professional nursing obligations.
What is a nursing professional development plan (PDP).
These are done twice a year as per the following SOP:
What are nursing documentation audits? (Slide 68 of orientation presentation) Review reasons why ROWPHP conducts audits. They are not intended to be punitive but are intended to provide consistency in documentation practice.