Student Success
Stress Management
Essential Behaviors
Clinical Clearances

We retain 90% of what we learn when we …

What is "teach others"


A technique for challenging sometimes-wrong or negative "automatic thoughts"

What are:  "Reframing, cognitive restructuring, positive thought replacement"


Your faculty has given you a Notice of Academic Difficulty, but you don't follow the directions and make an appointment with your faculty member to address it.  You are in violation of which essential behavior:

What is:  "•Identifies situations in which assistance is needed and seeks help appropriately."


What is July 15?

The deadline to submit clinical clearances to Complio.


This type of footwear is required for clinical.

What are:  "

  • All white, non-canvas walking shoes.
  • Polished, in good repair and easy to clean.
  • Must have closed heel and toe."

Productivity increases by 25% when …

What is, "When You plan your day or work from a list"


A tool you can use to record what’s happening to and around you, to release your thoughts and feelings, to try out new ideas, and even to make promises to yourself.

What is:  "Journaling"?


Posting about my patients on social media to vent is a violation of this.

What is HIPAA and our essential behaviors?


What is TB?

This immunization category must be completed annually.


Your lucky underwear are bright pink with bright green starfish.  Would this be appropriate under your white uniform?

What is:  "No"


Name one technique you can use to avoid procrastination

What are:  "

Pomodoro Technique

Eat the Frog"


Breathing with long breaths, especially as exercise or a method of relaxation.

What is:  "Deep Breathing"?


Not sleeping enough, and showing up to clinical practicum "too tired to work" is in violation of what essential behavior(s)

What is "•Demonstrates an awareness of own health needs." or

What is "•Demonstrates respect for the dignity and worth of patients, staff, peers, and faculty."


What is a notification email from American Databank/Complio?

This is how you will get notified of your placement into a clinical rotation.


Your favorite color is purple (go athenians)...and you want purple hair color.  This would be a violation of which uniform essential:

What is:  "

  • Only genetically possible hair color."

Breaking large amounts of information into smaller groups based on similarities or patterns.

What is "Chunking"


An effective technique for reducing overall body tension as well as psychological stress. This simple technique involves the tensing and relaxing of all of the major muscles in your body in order from your head to your feet.

What is:  "Muscle Relaxation/Body Scan"?


You're running late and trying to catch up on work for classes, and didn't complete the online assignment.  You decide to ask a fellow student to take screen shots of the "completion screen" and submit that to your faculty.  You would be violating this essential behavior:

What is:  "•Demonstrates integrity by not cheating, lying, or plagiarizing and adhering to Academic Integrity Statement (MSMU Catalog)."


What is the proper way to sign electronic/digital signatures?

Signing a document using the mousepad/touchpad or inserting your original signature


You have weak fingernails and have used acrylics to strengthen them.  This violates what larger issue for hospitals:

What are "CDC guidelines prevent acrylic nails in the hospital because of infection control issues"


Name one campus resource available to nursing students

What are:  "Faculty, success coordinator, academic advisor, ASC, library, CPS"


Increased Blood flow throughout the body, decreased blood pressure, and improved sleep are all benefits of this stress management technique

What is "Movement or exercise"?


Four weeks of clinical in the hospital have gone by, and your faculty member has given you the same feedback for improvement in your weekly care plans.  This is the essential behavior you are lacking: 

What is:  "•Incorporates feedback from instructor and others into practice and written assignments."


What are the three tabs on your Complio dashboard?

“Immunization/Compliance”, “Background Screening”, and “Clinical Rotation” tabs.


This is the reason that you should remove your uniform, and change into street clothes before going to the cafeteria or the library at the Mount (or off campus).

What is:  "hospital bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. become passengers on your uniform and you don't want to share those"