Age that an infant should be exclusively breastfed up until
6 months
In general, at what age should solid foods be introduced to an infant?
6 months
Version of growth chart that should be used for a 3 year old
CDC Growth Chart
Age that BMI rebound should occur
6 years of age
Common condition that can occur as a result of picky eating
Constipation (lack of fiber)
This type of breastmilk is highest in fat content
Infants need approximately how many calories per kilogram body weight per day?
100 kcal/kg/day
Based on the Dietary Guidelines analysis/results, this food group is a key focus for toddlers (meaning needing to increase consumption of this food).
Vegetables (green leafy specifically)
Breakfasts provided by the National School Breakfast Program must meet what daily portion of the DRI for the age group they are serving?
Two factors of an obesogenic environment
•Lack of access to safe place to be active
•Lack/limited access to healthy affordable foods
•Greater availability of energy dense and high sugar foods
•Increased portion size
•Parental influence
Infant medical condition where breastmilk would be contraindicated
Two nutrients of concern in infancy
Vitamin D
Two nutrients that have increasing needs (RDA) throughout toddler years
Calcium (700 mg --> 1000 mg)
Iron (7 mg --> 10mg)
Also, sodium (but less of a nutrient deficiency concern)
What is a common nutrition intervention for children with epilepsy?
Ketogenic diet (high fat, low carbohydrate diet)
Calculate the corrected age for a child born at 36 weeks, who is currently 16 weeks old
12 weeks
Two benefits of breastfeeding for baby
-Ideal nutritional profile
-No additional water needed
-Passive immunity
-Metabolic health
-Decreased mortality and morbidity
-Reduced risk of chronic disease
List three inappropriate foods for an infant to consume as they are introducing solid foods
•Hot dog pieces
•Hard candies
•Nuts and chunky nut butters
•Whole grapes
•Tough meat
•Sticky foods (marshmallows, gummy candy)
•Hard fruits and vegetables
Age that children can receive WIC benefits up until, and 2 benefits of WIC for children
Age: 5 years
Benefits: education, breastfeeding support, SNAP (food stamps)
Protein recommendations for school aged children in grams/kg/day
0.95 g/kg/day
Two barriers to breastfeeding AND tips for how to remove these barriers
Lack of knowledge
Social norms
Poor social support
Lactation problems
Employee and childcare
Socioeconomic status
Health system
Three focus points of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
Skin to skin contact
Rooming in
Education of hospital staff
Not providing formula unless medically necessary
Education for mothers/families
Percentiles that classify an infant for small, average, and large for gestational age
Small: <10th percentile
Average: 10-89th percentile
Large: >90th percentile
Explain Ellyn Satter's division of responsibility in eating and what decisions are made by caregiver vs child
Caregiver decides: WHEN, WHAT, and WHERE of food
Child decides: HOW MUCH of food and WHETHER to eat
List five Healthy People 2030 Objectives for school age children
•Increase proportion of students participating in school breakfast program
•Reduce proportion of children and adolescents with active and untreated tooth decay
•Reduce the proportion of children with obesity
•Increase the proportion of children who do enough aerobic physical activity
•Increase the proportion of parents who follow AAP guidelines on limited screen time
•Reduce household food insecurity and hunger
•Reduce sodium, added sugars, saturated fat
•Increase Vitamin D, calcium
•Increase fruit and vegetable (potassium)
•Increase dark green and red/orange vegetable, beans and peas consumption
•Increase whole grain consumption
List 5 of the 8 common allergens AND list one allergen that a child is least likely to "grow out of"
Cows milk
Peanut (least likely)
Tree nut (least likely)