True or False

Why do we have meal plans? What is the purpose in ED treatment?

Regularity, structure, regain hunger/fullness cues, permission to eat, learning what body needs


What is fact checking? Give an example of how someone could use it when eating a fear food.

Verify factual information. i.e. donuts: made up of carbs and fat. Carbs provide energy and fat nourishes my brain and cells in my body


What is the purpose of check-in and check-out at mealtimes?

To identify emotions and thoughts you are having, pause to identify skills to use during the meal, let peers and group leaders know how to come alongside you


Name at least 2 vitamins that act as antioxidants.

Vitamin A, C, E


“I can’t pronounce it, so I should eat it.” True or False? Explain


What should a food log consist of? List at least 3 things.

What time you ate, what you ate, how much you ate


What are 3 strategies to use when implementing goal/fear foods?

Pair with a safe meal, cope ahead, have list of skills to use, don't start with most challenging...


What are 3 things you can do to prepare for going out to eat?

Order take-out first, try making the food at home, talking with RD about how it fits in meal plan, going with helpful friends and supports, have skills to use


If you want to increase your levels of Vitamin D, where can you get it from (other than from food)?

Supplement and Sun


“Eating after 8pm will make you gain weight.” True or False? Explain


Name 3 benefits of writing food logs.

Accountability, learning how servings count, get to keep for meal and snack ideas in the future, can learn about hunger/fullness cues, learn about patterns in your eating


3 tips to ease digestive discomfort?

Sit or stand up after a meal, slow down pace of eating, continue following meal plan and timing of meals and snacks, drink water, follow movement recommendations, use low volume foods


What are benefits of moving (when physically and mentally ready)?

Strength, coordination, flexibility, mood, heart health


Name 2/3 micronutrients that many Americans are lacking.

Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D


“Donuts are unhealthy.” True or False? Explain


How do you know the difference between a food preference and a fear food?

How much anxiety comes up around the food? What food judgements come up with the food?


What are 2 ways to use support when grocery shopping?

Make a grocery list together, go to the store together, talk with them on the phone


Define a health halo and provide an example.

Perception that a food is good for you even with little evidence to support why. Is a useful marketing tactic to get consumers to purchase products. i.e. "superfood" "organic" 


If someone cuts carbs out, what micronutrients might they also be missing?

Fiber, Vitamin C, B vitamins

"Whole wheat bread has more nutrition than white bread." True or False. Explain


What is RAVES? How does it help in ED treatment?

Regularity, adequacy, variety, eating socially, spontaneity 


Name distress tolerance skills you can use during a meal.

Listening to music, coloring, puzzles, essential oils, fidget spinner, heating pad, ice or frozen orange...


What is tocopherol? And where might you find it?

Vitamin E!

in oils, seeds

Also in lotions!


What is the recommended amount of calcium for the majority of adult women?

1000 mg calcium


Nutrition Group is your favorite group! True or True?
