Key Nutrients
Smart Snacking
Sports Nutrition
Balanced Meals
This major nutrient needed for muscle repair and growth. It is not only found in meat, fish, eggs, but also nuts, legumes and quinoa.
These are a superior snack. Eating at least one handful a day increases longevity by 20% while reducing risk for disease.
What are NUTS
TRUE or FALSE: We eat 50% more when eating directly out of a food container.
TRUE or FALSE: It is usually advantageous to eat a small, carb-based snack an hour before exercise.
TRUE. Carbs are the primary source of fuel for the body and the only nutrient stored in our muscles for energy. Good choices include any kind of fruit, low fat granola bar or low fat cereal, such as oatmeal or dry cereal such as oatmeal squares.
Those that skip this meal perform worse in school, are 5 times more likely to become overweight or obese and have a higher percentage of body fat than those that eat it.
This nutrient is key for proper bone formation. Teens need 3-4 servings of milk, cheese, yogurt or tofu daily to meet the recommended amount. Almonds and greens have some too.
This food contains more calcium naturally than any other food. It also contains good bacteria that aid in digestion and boosting immunity.
What is YOGURT
TRUE or FALSE: Thirst can be confused for hunger.
TRUE. Drink water before eating something. Drinking a high sugar drink such as soda often raises blood sugar then crashes within 30 minutes, so it makes you more tired!
Orange fruits and vegetables tends to contain high amounts nutrients that can decrease muscle soreness and boost immunity. Name 5 orange colored fruits and vegetables.
apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, sweet potato, butternut squash, mango, peaches, orange peppers
A balanced breakfast contains: complex carbs, protein and fruit and/or vegetables. Balance this breakfast: omelete
Add complex carbs (whole grains such as whole wheat toast, oatmeal, or high fiber cereal--choices at Upper include miniwheats, raisin bran, bran flakes and Kashi heart to heart) and either a fruit choice (or make a smoothie with fruit) or add veggies into omelete
This major macronutrient is the primary source of fuel for the body. Healthy sources of this include whole grains, fruit, vegetables, yogurt and milk.
These fruits contain the highest amount of fiber and antioxidants. They boost memory, fight disease and help to reduce muscle soreness.
What are BERRIES (especially blueberries)
True or False: Eating after 8pm turns into fat.
FALSE. Eating after 8, or even later, doesn't turn automatically to fat. It's fine and probably good to have a snack at night because hunger naturally works on a 3 hour cycle. BUT It's best to fuel by day and have 2/3's of your food intake by the time 2/3's of your day is over. Eat more during the day if you find yourself ravenous at night.
Green vegetables contain iron and other important nutrients that are crucial for proper metabolism, cardiovascular and bone health and preservation of eye sight. Name four green vegetables.
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collards and kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, asparagus, peppers, peas
A balanced lunch contains complex carbs, protein and fruit and/or vegetables. Balance this meal: Sandwich on whole wheat bread with either lunch meat and cheese or peanut butter and jelly
Add fruit and/or veggies--some ideas: salad, veggie based soup, veggies at Grab n Go, fruit like bananas, apples, oranges
This mineral carries oxygen to cells. Athletes have a higher need for it. It's found in meat, eggs, legumes, nuts, oatmeal, green leafy veggies and dried fruit such as figs, raisins and apricots.
What is IRON
These orange root vegetables exceed the nutritional content of carrots. They are are power packed with potassium, iron and Vitamins A, C and E.
Protein helps to promote alertness and provide satiety, the feeling of being full. Which of the following are good sources of protein? Hummus with crackers, Chocolate chip cookies, Yogurt with nuts, Milk on cereal, Gummy bears, Frozen Peas, Peanut butter, Chips
Protein is in hummus, yogurt, nuts, milk, peas, peanut butter
After exercise, your muscles are thirsty for fuel. Eating or drinking within a hour can increase the amount of energy stored in your muscles by 3-4 times IF you eat or drink something consistently with about 40 grams carb + 10 grams protein. Name at least one recovery food or drink that fits this criteria.
12 ounces Chocolate milk, 12 ounces milk + large piece of fruit, 1 cup yogurt + piece of fruit, about 1/2 cup of some trailmixes (containing dried fruit and nuts primarily), peanut butter and jelly sandwich, bagel with 2 Tablespoons peanut butter
A balanced dinner contains complex carbs, protein and veggies. Balance this meal: Pasta with tomato sauce
Add veggies--tomato sauce is a good start, but add some cooked veggies or salad AND Add protein--such as chickpeas, chicken from the stir fry area or meat/fish/seafood from hot line, or have some nuts or sunflower seeds as a side (maybe on a salad--or with egg)
More than 80% of Americans may be deficient in this essential fatty acid. It benefits include advanced congnitive functioning, healthy skin and reduced inflammation. It is only found in a few foods, namely: walnuts, ground flax, edamame, wheat germ, fish and seafood.
This plant superfood contains complex carbs, complete protein and is gluten free. It's not actually a grain, but is often catergorized as's a seed related to spinach.
What is QUINOA
Whole grains contain nutrients such as fiber, which help to fill us up and promote more sustained energy. Which are whole grains and which are not: Mini frosted wheats, Triscuits, Ritz crackers, Popcorn, Ramen noodles, Potato chips, Food should taste good chips, Oatmeal
Whole grains are mini frosted wheats, triscuits, popcorn, Food Should Taste Good Chips, oatmeal (you need to read the first ingredient for "Whole" grain or "Whole wheat"...if it just says "Wheat", it's white with carmel coloring
Even slight dehydration can impair sports performance. Name 4 signs of dehydration.
bright or dark yellow urine, fatigue/sleepiness, headache, dizziness, muslce cramps (muscle cramps can also mean you need more sodium and/or potassium), thirst (by the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated)
BALANCE a lunch or dinner meal (either lunch or dinner) that includes the following: protein, whole grain carbs, vegetable, calcium source, fruit
Some Proteins: meat, fish/seafood, legumes, nuts, seeds; Whole grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread/pasta, quinoa; Vegetables: hot veggie, stir fry veggies, salad, veggie based soups, best calcium sources: yogurt, cheese, milk, tofu; any idea might be meat, brown rice, cooked broccoli or stir fry made with brown rice, end the meal with yogurt topped fruit and walnuts