What type of meat is the healthiest?
Lean pork, chicken or fish
How much water should you drink a day?
8-15 cups
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Name a fruit that contains potassium
How much milk should you drink in a day?
3 cups
How much red meat should you eat in a week?
No more than 3 portions per week
How much sugar is in a 20oz mountain dew bottle?
73 grams
How many cups of vegetables should you eat in a day?
2 - 2 1/2 cups
How many cups of fruit should you eat a day?
1 1/2 - 2 cups
What mineral is largely associated with dairy?
What are some foods that have protein that isn't meat?
Beans, peas, eggs and nuts
How much sugar is in a cup of apple juice?
23 grams
Name a vegetable that is high in vitamin A
When should you eat fruits in a day (morning or night)?
Any time of the day
Which type of milk has the most protein, vitamins and minerals?
Cows milk