Energy Availability

Name the three macronutrients.

What is Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fat


These two things make up energy availability (energy available for the body to use).

What is food (energy) intake and energy expended (walking to class, workouts, practice, etc.)


This is a good indicator of daily hydration and if you need to drink more water.

What is urine/pee color?


This supplement is needed to fill nutritional gaps in your diet that you cannot consume through food. 

What is a multivitamin?


Alcohol has an affect on the body and performance for how many days after consumption.

What is 5 days?


This macronutrient is most commonly seen as the recovery nutrient: needing to consume this post workout/post practice

What is protein?


These two things happen with low energy availability/under fueling.

What is decreased performance and increased injury?


Your urine should be this color to indicate adequate hydration throughout the day.

What is light yellow/lemonade color?

This supplement is important for the health of your ligaments, tendons, and muscles and should be taken prior to exercise to increase recovery post-workout. 

What is collagen?


This type of carbohydrate would be best consumed post practice as a meal.

What is complex carbohydrates (Fruit/Vegetables, Pasta, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Bread, Potatoes)


This macronutrient is best burned while at rest, so you should consume it when studying, watching tv, or inactive. 

What is fat?

Describe one way to maintain adequate energy availability.

What is

1. Eat every 3-5 hours

2. Preworkout snack including carbohydrates

3. Consume carbohydrates during exercise lasting longer than 90 mins.

4. Recovery Snack that includes protein


You should drink this amount of water before practice.

What is 16 ounces or 1 Powerade bottle?


This supplement is involved in 300+ processes of the body and can help get adequate sleep through supplementation if taken regularly.

What is magnesium?

Specific type is called magnesium bisglycinate


When consumed this has an effect on body’s natural ability to regulate blood sugar, resulting in cravings for more calorie dense foods (pizza, pasta, sweets, fried foods, etc.)

What is alcohol?


You should consume this amount and type of carbohydrates prior to training to increase performance.

What is Simple carbohydrates including 15-30grams?


Name one symptom of low energy availability. (1 out of the 8 listed)

What is

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Recurring illness/infection
  • Decreased performance
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Inability to gain or build muscle
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased mental health
  • Stress fractures or repeated bone injuries

Name 1 of the 3 factors that cause sweat rate to increase.

What is temperature?

What is intensity?

What is humidity? 


This supplement is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, helps with cognitive and brain function, and can be beneficial in recovery post practice.

What is fish oil/omega 3's?


During this phase of the menstrual cycle, internal body temperature is high, inducing more sodium to be lost in sweat which may require athletes to drink more electrolytes during this phase.

What is the luteal phase or second phase of the menstral cycle?


You need to consume this amount of protein in what amount of time to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and maintain muscle mass post practice/lift.

What is 20-30g of protein in 30-60 minutes after practice?


This happens to the body during low energy availability. (describe 1 out of the 4)

What is 

  • Slow metabolic rate
  • Increased fat stores in body = activation of starvation mode
  • Decreases body's production of growth hormone- reduced ability to repair muscles
  • Impaired bone health, immunity, menstruation, and cardiovascular health

Performance can be negatively affected if you lose this amount of body weight (%) during exercise.

What is 2-3%?


This supplement is where 90% of athletes are deficient.  

What is Vitamin D?


During this phase of the menstrual cycle the body’s ability to access quick energy stores during high intensity work is decreased, so you may not be able to hit max without fuel before and during activity.

What is the follicular phase/menstruation?