Name 3 healthy foods.
Vegetables, Protein, Fruits, Dairy, Carbs.
How long should you usually spend working out a day?
Around an hour or more.
Name a healthy habit.
Striving to work out every day. Making sure to stick to a diet for a couple months. Not eating unhealthy foods.
What types of foods are usually included in a good diet?
Chicken, beef, fish, lettuce, carrots, spinach, melon.
What doesn’t make a good breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Cake, chips, soda, sugar.
What is usually in a typical morning breakfast?
Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Fruit.
How many push-ups should you be able to do as a 5th grader? (Minimum)
Around 15-25
Why are lots of people obese in the USA?
They don’t eat healthy.
The body needs ______ in order to survive.
Healthy food and water.
When the body exercises it causes the lungs to breathe faster and the heart to pump blood faster. True/False
Name 3 restaurants that are unhealthy.
McDonalds, Carls Jr, Jack in the box, Taco Bell, Del Taco, Chick Fil A.
What food contains the most protein in it?
Lean meats, seafood, poultry.
Posture is the way you:
Sit, stand, walk.
What makes a food unhealthy?
If it is high in unhealthy byproducts to make it.
Is each serving for each different food group the same amount?
The ability of your joints and muscles to move in their full range of motion is called what?
Flexibility/muscular strength.