Has a limited amount of nutrients and is used for a short period of time. Contains clear juices that do not contain pulp.
What is clear liquids?
Another name for patients who are nil per os, cannot receive anything by mouth.
What is NPO?
What type of tube is placed through the nares and into the stomach and are used for short term nutritional therapy and bowel decompression.
What is a NG tube?
How do you measure for correct NG tube placement?
What is measuring from the tip of the nose extending to the patients earlobe and then midway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus?
What type of diets consists of low cholesterol, and low sodium dietary items, and minimize the intake of animal products, which contain cholesterol and soups and processed foods which are high in sodium?
What is cardiac diet?
Consists of foods that are or may become liquid at room or body temperature. Include juice with and without pulp, milk and milk products, jougart, strained cream soups and liquid dietary supplements.
What are full liquid diets?
If patients are confined to bed and require assistance with feeding it is extremely important to elevate the head of the bed to this degree and closely observe the patient's ability to swallow.
What is 30 to 45 degrees?
What type of tubes are surgically placed through an incision in the upper-left quadrant of the abdomen and is for long term nutritional therapy for patients who are neurologically impaired?
What is a PEG tube? (Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube).
Having the patient swallow while advancing the tube after the tube has reached the back of the throat does what ?
What is it helps to occlude the trachea and prevent the tube from entering the lung?
What type of diets restrict potassium, sodium, protein and phosphorus intake? Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent choices.
What is a renal diet?
Often referred to as blended and made into apulplike mix. This type of diet is used for individuals who cannot safely chew or swallow solid food.
What is a pureed diet?
Signs of dysphagia include these symptoms.
What is coughing, incomplete lip closing, poor tongue control, excessive chewing, gagging before swallowing, of failure to swallow, holding foods in cheek (pocketing), and or refusal to eat?
What type of confirmation practice is used of initial placement of an enteral tube?
What is an X-ray?
Once the tube has been advanced 25 to 30 cm stop and listen for air escaping from the tubing. The presence of air indicates the the tube might be in the trachea rather than the esophagus true or false?
What is true?
What type of liquids are used for patients having difficulty swallowing and are at risk for aspiration?
What are thickened liquids?
Are used for patients who have difficulty swallowing and are at risk for aspiration.
What are thickened liquids?
True of false the task of feeding patients who are unable to feed themselves can be delegated to UAP?
What is True?
Auscultation of an air bolus over the stomach to assess tube placement after the initial x-ray is an acceptable practice to confirm gastric tube placement? True or false.
What is false?
Owing to the high risk of adverse events a ph above 6 is reason to stop the procedure and again verify placement through radiologic methods, true or false?
What is true?
What type of diet include foods consistencies that have been modified such as ground meat of soft cooked foods and are used for those who have difficulty chewing effectively?
What is mechanical soft diet?
Diets that are prescribed to control the amount of calories by controlling carbohydrate intake. Foods that have a high glycemic index and rapidly raise the body's blood glucose concentration should be avoided.
What is an ADA diet?
Name three reasons why patients should remain NPO?
What is due to surgery to allow the intestinal tract to rest, to decrease the stimulation of nerves that can lead to vomiting of stomach contents, conditions due to GI bleeding, or conditions related to GI blockage/
After initial confirmation of tube placement what should the pH of the aspirate be to confirm correct placement?
What is than or equal to 5.5?
The fact that a patient has a cuffed tracheostomy tube is a reliable guarantee that the NG or NJ tube will not enter the airway during insertion, true or false?
What is false?
Commonly referred as diet as tolerated, there are no dietary restrictions but foods should supply patients with a balanced diet of essential nutrients.
What is a regular diet or general diet?