Nutrition Labels
Is it Healthy?
True or False?
What does the Vitamin do?

How Many Calories Does a Glass of Water Have?

Water has 0 Calories


Sparkling Water

Yes, as long as there aren't too many additives, the carbonation can actually help with digestion


All Fats are Unhealthy

False, healthy fats are very crucial for brain function and overall health, the type of fat matters, not the fat itself.


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function.


How Many Calories Does an Apple Have?

95 Calories


Veggie Chips

No, These chips are usually deep fried and sometimes contain a lot of sodium and oil and are just as calorie dense are regular chips


Brown Rice is Always Healthier Than White Rice

False, white rice is better for people who need easy digestible carbs, especially athletes and people with digestive issues.


Vitamin A 

Vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, and skin.


How Many grams of Cholesterol Does a Cup of Yogurt Have?



Dried Fruit

No, it is packed with sugar and additives because the water is removed, some companies add sugar syrup to make the fruit sweeter.

Eating At Night Will Cause You to Gain Weight

False, Its not the time of day that will cause you to gain weight, it is the total number of calories consumed compared to the amount you burn


Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. You need calcium for the normal development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.


How Many grams of Trans-fats Does an Egg Have?

0 Grams


Instant Oatmeal

No, they usually have added sugars and many preservatives even if the label says whole grain

Bottled Water is Better for You Than Tap Water

False, Bottled water is no safer or purer than tap water, although it is substantially more expensive. bottled water is actually more likely to be contaminated than water from your faucet  because it is less well-regulated. Plastic bottles can also have microplastics


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for metabolism. It also helps form red blood cells


How Many grams of Carbs Does an Avocado Have?

12 grams of Carbs


Oat Milk

No, oat milk has no benefits, most of the plant fiber is filtered out while processing the beverage, there are usually added sweeteners and creamers to make it more appealing.


Vitamin K Helps with the Clotting Of Blood

True, Vitamin K helps to make four of the 13 proteins needed for blood clotting, which stops wounds from continuously bleeding so they can heal.


Vitamin K

Vitamin K is needed because without it blood would not clot normally.