Bananas are an excellent source of:
What can you get from vegetables?
Vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein
True or false: White bread is considered whole grain
People who cannot have dairy:
Lactose intolerant
Name a source of protein:
Chicken, beef, turkey, eggs
Are the sugars in fruits considered added sugars?
Yes or no: Drinking 100% vegetable juice is considered consuming vegetables
Give an example of whole grains:
Brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, oats
Give an example of dairy products:
Milk, cheese, yogurt
Name a nonmeat source of protein:
Eggs, legumes, nuts, soy
Are fruits a good source of fiber?
Veggie that is good for vision:
Carrots, sweet potatoes
Whole grains should make what percent of your plate?
25% or 1/4
Dairy is a good source of:
What is a vegan?
Someone who does not consume animal products
Fruits and vegetables should make ___% of your plate
True or false: Frozen or canned veggies are good for you
Whole grains are an excellent source of:
Soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk are considered:
Dairy alternatives
Healthy fat source of protein
What percent fruit should fruit juice be?
A diet rich in vegetables can prevent:
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes
Try to have at least ___% of your grains be whole grains
What is the daily recommended amount for dairy products?
3 cups
How many grams of protein a day do we need?
Varies a bit but average is 50g