The 3 nutrients that the body can burn for energy.
Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
This food group should make up 25% of your total food consumption
How many calories are in a Takis Fuego Rolled Tortilla Chips (1 oz)
140 calories
Tech Ed: The area of a floor that is 12 feet long by 12 feet wide.
What is the capital of the United States of America?
Washington D.C.
Vitamin C and Vitamin B are examples of this type of Vitamin.
Water Soluble
These two food groups should make up 50% of your whole food consumption
Fruits and Vegetables
How many calories are in 2 Pop-Tarts Toaster Pastries Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon
400 Calories
Geography: What is the largest continent?
This kind of gemstone remains the hardest naturally occurring material on Earth
Iron is an example of this type of Nutrient
Mineral (Trace Mineral)
What food group does Peanut butter belong in?
How many calories are in one pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream?
1120 Calories
Math: This shape is described as 4 identical sides with 4 90 degree internal angles
a square
The development of this weapon of mass destruction set the stage for the Cold War
The Atomic Bomb
This nutrient allows for body heat and insulation from the element.
This group of food should be consumed the least overall.
How many calories are in a Dave's single from Wendy's
590 Calories
Art: What are 3 secondary colors
Orange, Green, Purple
This year was the last time someone physically landed on the moon
This often forgotten nutrient is essential for life and consists of a large percentage of our body mass
a 12 fl oz (regular) can of Coca-Cola contains how many calories?
140 calories
ELA: What are the 3 methods of persuasive writing?
ethos, pathos, logos.
This mountain is the 2nd tallest in the world and the tallest of the Karakoram range