The macronutrients
What are Carbohydrates, protein and fats?
The meaning of the acronym BMI.
What is Body Mass Index?
Not considered nutrients but important components of diet.
Water and dietary fibre.
Deficiency in Vitamin C
What is Scurvy?
40 or greater
What is Severely obese?
When too little food is eaten.
What is Undernutrition?
Reagent used to test for Protein.
What is Biuret reagent?
BMI unit.
What is kg/m2?
All the chemical process that happens in the body.
What is Metabolism?
Organic chemicals of fats.
BMI formula.
What is weight (kg)/ height (m2)
This happens as a result of taking in more energy than needed.
What is Obesity?
Movement of substances aided by fibre.
What is Peristalsis?
Normal/ Healthy BMI Range.
What is 18.5 to 24.9?
Happens as a result of self starvation.
What is Anorexia?