any substance your body needs to live, stay healthy, and grow
proteins are especially important for strong ___________
What is a carbohydrate?
the nutrients your body needs to make energy
Name 3 foods with fat
cheese, nuts, milk, oils
what is a calorie?
energy that you get from food
nutrients your body uses as building material and to grow
Name 3 foods that contain protein
meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts
Name 3 bad carbohydrates
sugar, cookies, cake
What does fat do?
they help build cells, absorb vitamins, and store extra energy
_________ helps your food digest by carrying nutrients to all the cells in your body
nutrient that your body uses as fuel, building material, and to store extra calories
Proteins are the _________ blocks of your body
Name 3 good carbohydrates
broccoli, carrots, cabbage, veggies, etc.
Which food(s) are cooked with trans fats?
French fries
Other nutrients include special chemicals called ___________ and ______________
vitamins and minerals
chemicals that your body uses for many purposes such as helping your bones, blood, and other parts grow and function.
Vitamins & minerals
Protein helps ________ and ______ cells
build and repair
What creates an "energy crash?"
which fats are the WORST FATS?
Hydrogenated or trans fat
It's important to eat enough food each day to give your body the __________ it needs
the nutrients your body needs to make energy
define what is protein
they are the building blocks of your body. they help build and repair cells
What would happen if you eat only simple carbohydrates? What would happen if you eat only complex carbohydrates?
simple= you would have energy crashes, get fat, get sick, have diabetes
complex= you have more energy over a long period of time, you are healthy, etc.
which fats are better than others?
vegetable fats are better than animal fats
The amount of calories a person needs depends on...
their age, body type, and how physically active they are