does it require a little or a lot of land to raise animals
a lot
what is agriculture
agriculture is the cultivating of plants and animals for potentially distribution
what is malnutrition and what can it cause
it happens when you don't eat enough of the nutrients you need and can cause scurvy
Impacts of the Green Revolution?
new varieties of wheat, and rice, new hybrinds and increased yields
What is DDT?
is a pesticide originally used for bugs but ended up being lethal or damaging to many living things and environments.
why is ranching used so much?
Because it is the only practical choice of land use in many places.
what is polyculture?
agriculture using multiple multiple crops in the same space and avoiding large stands of single crops (mono culture)
what are the 3 macronutrients
carbohydrates, fats proteins
how many other agricultural revolutiosn happened in the past?
what is a pesticide?
any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plants or animal life that are considered to be pests.
How does water contribute?
It contributes to how much will be produced.
what is diversity of crops?
avoids the sustainability of monoculture to disease.
what is a calorie
the amount of energy needed to raise 1kg of water by 1 degree c
how much did world grain production increase?
What is the effect of pesticides?
pesticides can have an accumulative 'toxic loading" effect both in the immediate and long term.
how much human food calories come from land?
what is multicropping?
multipe crops growing at the same time on the same plot.
How do macronutrients effect the body?
allow function, prevent disease, help build musle
what is agronomy?
sience and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for food, fuel, recreation, and land restoration
What is IPM? And the four steps?
not a single pest control method rather a series of of pest management evaluations, decision, and control.
1.set action threshold
3.monitor and identify pests
How do cropping systems vary amoung different farms?
available resources, government policy, economic, social, and political pressures, geography/climate on farms
agriculture system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarly then abandoned
how does a diet change?
it changes depending on where live in the world
Who is Norman Borlauy?
he wanted to help those who where hungry because of the low crop yields by increasing them with gmo's and gor a Nobel peace prize.
What is the EPA? And the downsides?
sets a limit on the mex amount of each pesticide that can be on each item but there is no limit to the amount of different chemicals on each island.