Serotonin & Sciencey Stuff
Blood Sugar & Hormones
Tips and Tricks

Research on mood and hunger has somewhat recently discovered that this term is actually a real phenomenon.

What is "hangry"


The neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep, appetite, mood, and helps inhibit pain is..?

What is serotonin 


Past research found that low blood glucose levels in humans appeared linked to cognitive and/or mood changes. Name at least two.

what is increased impulsivity 

what is anger

what is aggression

what is difficulty with self regulation


Another name for blood sugar.

what is blood glucose


You should speak to this professional if your mental health is severely impacting your ability to get proper nutrition.

what is a therapist

will also accept doctor/psychiatrist or registered dietician 


In humans, the feeling of hunger is sometimes experienced as a "________ ________", instead of a purely physical sensation.

What is "negative emotion"


Most of our serotonin is produced here.

What is the gastrointestinal tract?


Low blood glucose levels in the study called "Hunger in the Field" from the article were associated with greater anger and irritability. What was the last thing they found was associated with low blood glucose.

what is lower pleasure


The name for low blood glucose.

what is hypoglycemia 


You can do this to ensure you have nutritious meals to eat everyday

what is meal prep


The article stated ways the experience of hunger can manifest itself in our mood. Name at least two.

What is anger

What is irritability 

What is restlessness

What is nervousness 

The percentage of serotonin produced in your gut.

What is 95%


In one of the studies Gabi discussed, researchers manipulated blood glucose using an IV. They found that the __________ system in the brain was more responsive to food when blood sugar was dropping.

what is reward system


The symptoms of low blood glucose. (name at least 3 to get the points)

what is: shaking



irritability or confusion




Doing this will allow you to 'stock up' on ready made meals for times when you are struggling with your mental health

what is freezing food (meal prep then freeze individual portions)


Low blood glucose means the brain has less energy to override _________

(hint: this is likely part of why going exceedingly long periods without food is NOT a good weight loss/diet strategy) 

what are impulses

(low blood sugar can cause higher impulsivity)


The production of serotonin is highly influenced by these in your microbiome.

What is good bacteria


Multiple studies found diets high in refined sugars correlated with these effects on the brain.

what is impaired brain function

what is worsening symptoms of mood disorders (such as depression)


The types of hormones that increased when blood sugar dropped.

what are stress hormones


This method makes cooking easier and reduces clean up time after cooking.

what are one pot (or pan) recipes


This area of the brain is under-activated when blood glucose started getting low.

What is pre-frontal cortex


These foods help your body produce serotonin. (Name at least 5 for the points)

what are: eggs, salmon, spinach, milk, seeds, nuts, turkey, tofu, legumes, whole grains, fermented foods (e.g. kimchi, yogurt, Sauerkraut, kombucha, miso, apple cider vinegar)


Studies compared traditional Mediterranean diet, traditional Japanese diet, and a typical Western diet; they found that these two diets were associated with a lower risk of depression.

Bonus: How much lower was the risk?

what is a traditional Mediterranean diet and traditional Japanese diet.

Bonus: The risk of depression was 25% - 35% lower in those who ate the traditional diets,


When your blood glucose goes up it signals this organ to release what hormone?

For points name the organ and the hormone it releases when blood glucose goes up

what is the pancreas

what is insulin


Using these kinds of ingredients can make meal prep/cooking easier (and often times more affordable).

what are frozen veggies

frozen fruit

(or pre-chopped produce, though that will likely be more expensive)