Simple carbs are __________ that provide instant __________.
Sugar and energy
Who created the MyPlate visual?
United States Department of Agriculture
Give 3 examples of Carbohydrates
Breads, grains, pasta, rice
What does aerobic mean? And what are some aerobic activities?
Aerobic means with oxygen and some activities are running, soccer, basketball, swimming, hiking, etc.
How much physical activity do teens need to get each day?
60 minutes a day.
Vitamins and Minerals can be found in ___________ and _____________. Eating a ____________ of these will give your body many vitamins and minerals.
Why did they change from the food pyramid to the My Plate?
My Plate is easier for people to understand portions and to make sure to have some of everything at each meal. Also, the pyramid focused too much on carbs/grains, missing out on vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies and other food groups.
Give 3 examples of good sources of Protein
Fish, poultry, seeds, nuts, beans, meat
What times in life are very important to get enough protein and why?
infancy, toddler, adolescents, pregnancy
because a lot of growth is happening at those times.
What is a Target Heart Rate Zone?
The zone you want your heart rate to be in when you exercise so you know you are giving your heart a good workout.
What is the role of Carbohydrates in the body?
To provide energy
What are the 5 food groups on the My Plate?
Veggies, fruits, protein, grains, dairy
Give 3 examples of sources of fat
oils, butter, nuts, meat, fish
Cholesterol is a type of what? And if you get too much, it can cause what?
It is a type of Fat or Lipid and it can cause heart disease
Anaerobic means what? And what are some examples of anaerobic activity?
Without oxygen and lifting weights, sprinting, plyometrics, jumping, short bursts
What are the Big Six?
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water
What are nutrients you want to get more of when looking at a Nutrition Facts Label?
Fiber, Iron, Vitamin D and any other vitamins or minerals listed.
Give 3 examples of Minerals
Calcium, phosphorus, folate, copper, Iron, sodium, iodine
The energy from food is called what?
How do you find your target heart rate zone?
Find your max heart rate and then find 50%-80% of that number. (220-Age)
Multiply that max heart rate by .5 and .8 to find 50%-80%.
What are the 3 functions of Nutrients?
Provide Energy
Build and Repair body tissues
Regulate body processes
What are nutrients you should limit or have less of listed on the Nutrient Facts Label?
Fats, Cholesterol, Sodium
Complex carbs often have ________________ which aides the body with digestion.
How does exercise improve heart health?
helps blood pump more effectively, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure