Nutrition (MyPlate and Food Pyramid)
Food Label
Eating Disorders
Weight Management
Macros and Micros/ Dehydration

What is Nutrition?

a. consuming and using food and other nourishing substances to support the body's growth, development, and maintenance.

b. the ability to perform daily activities with strength, endurance, and optimal performance

c. refers to the types and amounts of food a person consumes, and can also include the mental and physical circumstances related to eating

What is A.


What is the item that shows a standard amount of food or drink that is typically consumed on a Food Label?

a. Calories

b. Nutrients

c. Serving Size

d. Percent Daily Value

What is (c) Serving Size?

Name one of the 3 eating disorders.
What is Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Binge-Eating.

Which exercise is with the presence of oxygen?

Aerobic or Anaerobic.

What is Aerobic Exercise.


What are the two main groups of Nutrition?

What are Macronutrients and Micronutrients?


What is the purpose of Myplate?

a. a representation of the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups

b.  simple visual reminder to choose a variety of foods throughout the day and throughout the week.

c. any written, printed, or graphic information on a food product's packaging, container, or wrapper

What is B.


How many calories are in a serving?


  1. An eating disorder is an eating disorder that causes you to eat large amounts of food at one time (binge) and then get rid of it (throwing up or using laxatives) is known as what?

What is Bulimia?

  1. Which of the following are NOT the 3 components of Exercise?
    a. Duration
    b. Intensity
    c. Speed
    d. Frequency

    1. Speed

What is (C) Speed?


Name one of the 3 Macronutrients.

What is

Carbs (Carbohydrates), Proteins, or Fats


Name the 5 main food groups on a food pyramid.

What is Grains, Veggies, Fruits, Protein, and Dairy.


What is the Percent Daily Value (%) for Iron?

What is 35%


What eating disorder is when you eat a large amount of food in a short amount of time and feel you can't control what or how much you are eating?

What is Binge-Eating.


What are two examples of aerobic exercise?

What is 

Walking, Jogging, Cardio Equipment, etc.


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of dehydration?

a. Headaches

b. Dry Skin

c. Rapid Heart Beat

d. Heavy Appetite

What is (D) Heavy Appetite. 


Name 3 food items in the Grains.

Bread, oatmeal, cereal, rice, wheat, grits, etc. 

Any other answers that are in the grain family.


Name one of the nutrients that are listed on a Food Label.

Any correct answer (Total Fats, Total Carbohydrates, Sodium, Iron, etc.)

  1. The cause of this eating disorder is they could starve themselves or lose enough minerals to make their heart stop suddenly.
    A. Anorexia Nervosa
    B. Bulimia
    C. Binge-Eating Disorder
    D. Purging

What is A.


What are two examples of anaerobic exercise?

What is 

Weight Lifting/Strength Training, Plyometrics, Sprinting, etc

  1. Which of the following Micronutrient purpose is to helps maintain healthy weight, lowering risk of diabetes, heart disease, types of cancer, prevent & relieve constipation.

a. Calcium 

b. Iron 

c. Fiber 

d. Vitamin A

What is (C) Fiber.

What does FDA Stand for?

Food and Drug Administration


What is the 5/20 Rule when it comes to Percent (%) Daily Value?

Under 5% is low and over 20% is high


What is it when a person purges their food after eating. They may do it by vomiting or through excessive bowel movements.

What is purging


When you do some less intense movement than your regular workout days. That can mean anything from yoga or light stretching to a walk, or a leisurely jog. What is it called?

What is Active Rest or Active Recovery


What does it mean if you lack enough water in your body? 

What is dehydration?