Information and Misinformation
Food Guide and Weight
What is the role of water in the body.
Water cushions and lubricates the brain and joints, transports nutrients and carries waste away, regulate body temperature.
What is metabolism?
A chemical reactions that occurs to help maintain the living state of your cells and organisms
What is the difference between organic and inorganic food sources?
Organic products are products that have no chemicals or pesticides added. Inorganic products are products with added preservatives and pesticides.
The amount of serving of fruits and vegetables a 15 year old girl needs per day
What is 7 servings
What is thirst
Thirst is triggered by the decrease of water inside cells. Cells called osmoreceptors detect the loss of water in cells and trigger thirst.
What is metabolic rate?
The rate at which our body burn calories
What are vitamins and minerals?
Vitamins any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body. Minerals are solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
The name for vitamins and minerals required in small amounts.
What is micronutrients
Dark urine colour Dry mouth sleepiness headache dizziness thirst
What are signs and symptoms of dehydration
Energy input minus energy output is equal to what?
What is the energy balance equation
What is the difference between water soluble and fat soluble?
The fat soluble vitamins are soluble in lipids (fats). -water solubilized" form of a vitamin (such as vitamin E) that is naturally a fat soluble vitamin.
Nutrients that provide energy and that the body needs in large amounts
What is macronutrients
What does dehydration do to an athlete?
Dehydration causes a loss in the performance of an athlete.
What nutrient -Helps to maintain bowel health -Lowers risk of developing hemorrhoids -Prevents diseases in the colon -Lowers cholesterol -Helps control blood sugar levels
What is the importance of vitamins?
Vitamins allow your body to grow and develop. They also play important roles in bodily functions such as metabolism, immunity and digestion.
The percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in human bodies
What is body compostion
How do you stop dehydration from happening.
To fight dehydration drink small amounts of water regularly. And try and minimise sweat loss through cooling one’s self off.
According to Health Canada, how much physical activity should the average youth (12-17) participate in every day?
One hour
What is shown in food labels?
The amount of saturated and trans fats that are in a food are shown below total fat on the nutrition facts label. Less than 10% of calories should come from saturated fats and try to keep trans fats as low as possible.
What is the difference between hunger and appetite?
The need for food VS the desire for food