Which part of its chemical structure differentiates one amino acid from another?
Its side group
Protein turnover describes the amount of protein:
Synthesized and degraded
During metabolism, released energy is captured and transferred by:
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Deamination of an amino acid produces:
Ammonia and a keto acid
Hydrolysis is an example of a(n):
Catabolic reaction
Isoleucine, leucine, and lysine are:
Essential amino acids
Which of the following foods provides the highest quality protein?
The body derives most of its energy from:
Glucose and fatty acids
Before entering the TCA cycle, each of the energy-yielding nutrients is broken down to:
Acetyl CoA
Alcohol metabolism occurs primarily in the:
Proteins that maintain the acid-base balance of the blood and body fluids by accepting and releasing hydrogen ions are:
The protein RDA for a healthy adult who weighs 180 pounds is:
65 grams/day
Converts glucose to pyruvate
The body stores energy for future use in:
In the stomach, hydrochloric acid:
Denatures proteins and activates pepsin
Which of these foods has the least protein per ½ cup?
Orange juice
The pathway from pyruvate to acetyl CoA:
Is metabolically irreversible
During a fast, when glycogen stores have been depleted, the body begins to synthesize glucose from:
Amino acids
If an essential amino acid that is needed to make a protein is unavailable, the cells must:
Break down proteins to obtain it
For complete oxidation, acetyl CoA enters:
The TCA cycle
During a fast, the body produces ketone bodies by:
Condensing acetyl CoA